{"id":4435,"date":"2016-06-24T17:47:38","date_gmt":"2016-06-24T17:47:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.internationalschoolsreview.com\/?page_id=4435"},"modified":"2017-06-02T14:25:35","modified_gmt":"2017-06-02T21:25:35","slug":"articles_continued2","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.internationalschoolsreview.com\/nonmembers\/articles_continued2.htm","title":{"rendered":"Articles and Information Archive"},"content":{"rendered":"


Articles &\u00a0Information<\/span><\/p><\/h6><\/div>


Ethical & Legal Issues<\/div><\/h2><\/div>
\u2022 School-Issued Gag Orders<\/a>
\n\u2022\u00a0Breaking Contract for an Offer You Really Want<\/a>

\n\u2022\u00a0Powerful Bully-Parents Can Be Dangerous<\/a>

\n\u2022\u00a0BLINDSIDED! Definition: to attack critically<\/a>
where a person is vulnerable<\/a>
\u2022 Witch Hunt<\/a>
\n\u2022 When Should Breaking Contract Be Consequence-Free?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Tur<\/em>moi<\/em>l<\/a> at Canadian School Hong Kong<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Teacher Fired for Confronting Bully Issue<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Buying a Car Overseas Can Land You in Prison<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Built on Teacher’s Backs<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Retroactive Reference Retraction<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Schools That Change Their Name
\u2022 Indonesia: Where International Teachers are imprisoned on insufficient evidence & convicted terrorists are set free for ‘good behavior’<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 What If You Get a Better Offer?<\/a><\/div>\n
Write a Review…or Else!<\/em><\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Alcoholic in the Room Next Door?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Entitled Students & Powerless Teachers<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Security Alert!<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Hidden Agendas in Indonesia?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Nagging Health Problems & No Promised School Health Insurance<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Playing for Change<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Educators Imprisoned on Insufficient Evidence in Indonesia<\/a><<\/div>\n
\u2022 Is ‘Paying for Grades’ the Norm?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 The Devil’s in the Details<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 More About the Worst Among Us<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Pedophiles Among US<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Letter From School Owner Sparks Debate<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Unforeseen End-of-YearLand Mines
\u2022 40+ Expat Teachers Banned from Russia<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 School Owner Talks About Teachers’ Complaints<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Director’s Despicable Recruiting Agenda<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 A Story of Deportation,\u00a0A Local-Hire in Kuwait Without a Work Visa<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Censorship in U.S. Schools?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Arrest of India’s U.S. Deputy Consul Brings Repercussions for American Teachers in India<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Crisis at International School Lusaka, Zambia<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Misdirected Directors<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Let’s Talk: Legal Matters<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 China School Inquisition
\u2022 Jailed Qatar Academy Teacher, Dorje Gurung, Freed
\nLetter to Eric Sands, Director of Qatar Academy<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Guilty Until Proven Innocent <\/a>\u00a0(Qatar Academy teacher Dorje Gurung recounts his time in a Qatari jail)<\/div>\n
\u2022 Let’s Talk Legal Matters<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 School Daze in China<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 A Parent\/Board Member Speaks Out on For-Profit Schools<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Schools that Throw Teachers Under the School Bus<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Should Confidential References be Banned<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Women, Rage & the Law in the UAE<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Confidential References: What’s Next?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 School m8bet sports bettingAlerts – Real Situations You Want to Know About<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Go Do You Stick it out OR RUN?<\/u><\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Qatar Academy Teacher Jailed Over Alleged Insults to Islam<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 International Teacher Initiation<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Collect on Everything a UAE School Owes You!<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Yes! You CAN Sue Your Director\/School in a US Court. Here’s How!<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Peccadilloes & Other Innocent Transgressions<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Premature Contract Renewal<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 136 Countries Where U.S. Teachers Have Their Human Rights Violated<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Moving On is a Difficult Road<\/a> by Dr. Barbara Spilchuk<\/div>\n
\u2022 Are International School Directors Above the Law?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Boards & Directors Administrators are Easier to Fire<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Speaking About Bullying Crisis in the Classroom<\/a><\/div>\n
Emirates International School Cancels New-Hire Contracts & What Teachers Have to Say<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 The Art of International School Management<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Billof Rights<\/em> for International Teachers Snubbed by Some<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 The Private Lives of International School Directors<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Is Emirates National School Recruiting for a Campus That Does Not Exist?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Could a Confidential Letter of Reference Be Killing YOUR Career<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Wasted by Wasta – A Principal Recounts Shocking Experiences in a Kuwaiti School<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Safe & Sound & Far Away (from my school)<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Was It a Wise Decision to Come to This School?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 How Do I Get Outta Here?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 When Is It Okay To Break Your Contract?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Vote “Yes” or “No” on the use of Confidential Letters of Reference:
\u2022 British International School, Kiev Dismisses Teacher — Teacher Makes Web Site
\u2022 Canceling a Contract After Signing – Where do YOU Stand?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Indianhead International South Korea, In Trouble – See Korean Times<\/em> Article<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Grade Fixing – Fact or Fiction?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 These Schools Take Your Passport Away<\/a> & Teachers’ – Responses to This Article<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Where Will Your Conscience Let Your Work?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Directors Who Suppress Teacher Criticism <\/a>Also Read Teachers'< Responses to Article<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Working Under a School Owner’s Thumb<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Protect Your Career<\/a>! Recruiters fail to endorse Bill of Rights!!!<\/em><\/div>\n
\u2022 Internet Pirates Extorting Thousands $$ from International Teaching Candidates<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 The International Teaching Candidate Shortage: How a Simple Solution was rejected<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Why Did Tashkent Ulugbek International School Close?<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 What’s In Your<\/em> School Handbook? What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Held Hostage in Qatar<\/u><\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Schools That Want to Use & Abuse You<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 When Open, Honest Communication Spells Career Suicide<\/a><\/div>\n<\/div>

Recruiting Oriented Articles<\/h2><\/div>

\u2022 Would You Hire Me?<\/a>
\u2022\u00a0Survey Results: Recruiting Season Round-Up
\u2022\u00a0Recruiting Season Round-Up<\/a>
\n\u2022 No Contract? No Deal!<\/a><\/span>
Recruiting Panic Attack<\/a><\/span>
How “Fair” are Recruiting Fairs for Expat Teachers?<\/a><\/span>
Adrift in the Doldrums & Seeking Advice<\/a><\/span>
DODs May be for You<\/a><\/span>
A\u00a0Guide for Teachers Who Want to Go International<\/a><\/span>
How\u00a0Pertinent Are Recruiting Fairs? \/ Survey<\/a><\/span>
How\u00a0Recruiting Fairs Fared in Our Survey<\/a>
\u2022 When\u00a0Recruiting Fairs Give You Lemons<\/a>
What\u00a0Should You Ask At an Interview?<\/a>
\u2022 The\u00a0Accidental International Educator
\u2022 Hits & Misses\u00a0of Skype Recruiting Adventures
\u2022 <\/a>What to Believe?
\u2022 to\u00a0Sign on as a Local Hire, or Not?
\u2022 Ten\u00a0Sure Fire Ways to Blow an Interview
\u2022 Do ‘No Reviews’\u00a0Mean It’s Okay to Go?
\u2022 Choosing\u00a0the Right Recruiting Fair
\u2022 Master\u00a0List of Tier-1 Schools?
\u2022 Staffing\u00a0Problem in Hot Spots
\u2022 What\u00a0Makes a School International?
\u2022 The\u00a03 Things YOU Absolutely Must Know Before Signing<\/a>
\n\u2022 Recruiting\u00a0Fair Timing for Best Results
\u2022 Can\u00a0I still Find a Teaching Position?
\u2022 Re-Considering\u00a0Your Possibilities
\u2022 Waiting\u00a0to Hear Back From Schools
\u2022 Be\u00a0Prepared for Tough Interview Questions
\u2022 Recruiting\u00a0Fair Experiences 2014
\u2022 The\u00a0Art of eMailing School Directors
\u2022 Do\u00a0Buzz Words = Successful Recruiting?
\u2022 Skype\u00a0Your Way to an International Teaching Position
\u2022 What\u00a0Would You Do?<\/a>
\n\u2022 What Would\u00a0You Do? – Part 2<\/a>

\n\u2022 What Would\u00a0You Do? – Part 3
\u2022 “Do\u00a0You Have Any Questions for US?” asked the\u00a0Recruiter
\u2022 Advice\u00a0for Landing Overseas Teaching Positions on ISR Forum<\/a>
\n\u2022 Best & Worst\u00a0of School Packages<\/a>

\n\u2022 Recruiting\u00a0Trends: 2013 & Beyond
\u2022 Job\u00a0Scams Designed to Cheat Teachers
\u2022 Up-Front & Personal- a Diary from the Recruiting Fair Front<\/a>
\u2022 The\u00a0Coveted Letter of Recommendation
\u2022 Are\u00a0International Recruiting Fairs the Place\u00a0to Get a Job?
\u2022 Getting\u00a0the Most from a Recruiting Fair
\u2022 Signed,\u00a0Sealed & Legal? Is Your Contract Secure?
\u2022 Recruiting\u00a0101 for Newbies
\u2022 Can\u00a0You Afford to Take This Job?
\u2022 Telling\u00a0Your School Goodbye<\/a>
\u2022 Here’s\u00a0What Directors Want in a Teacher
\u2022 Everything\u00a0You Want to Know About Recruiting
\u2022 Negative\u00a0School Reviews Can Spell Don’t Go!
\u2022 Will\u00a0Education Legislation Put an End to Teaching
\nin Indonesia?<\/a>
Part\u00a01<\/a> \/\u00a0<\/a>Part\u00a02
\u2022 International\u00a0Teaching Without a Credential?
\u2022 What\u00a0Do You Want in Your Letter of Reference
\u2022 End-of-Contract\u00a0Surprises!
\u2022 Recruiting\u00a0Fairs: A-Z<\/a>
\u2022 My\u00a0Strangest Interview
\u2022 Tips\u00a0for Career Changers Entering International Teaching<\/a>
\n\u2022 Can\u00a0You Negotiate a Higher Salary?
\u2022 Recruiting\u00a0Season Starts Now!
\u2022 Trailing\u00a0Spouse Solutions
\u2022 International\u00a0Teacher Recruiting Agencies (Contact Information)
\u2022 Transparent\u00a0Teachers \/ Opaque Schools The risky business\u00a0of recruiting fairs
\u2022 Teachers\u00a0with Foreign Accents Need not Apply
\u2022 10\u00a0Questions to Ask a Director If You Suspect Something\u00a0Isn’t Right<\/a>
\n\u2022 Directors\u00a0Who “Bad Mouth” Teachers
\u2022 Going\u00a0Recruiting<\/a>
\n\u2022 Hot\u00a0TIPS for Finding an Overseas Teaching Position
\u2022 20\u00a0Questions Candidates May Want to Ask
\u2022 The\u00a0Continued Importance of Research Before Making\u00a0a Commitment<\/a>
\n\u2022 Basic\u00a0Questions to Ask Directors When You Interview
\u2022 Predicting\u00a0Upcoming Recruiting Fairs 2009 – 2010<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>

Over 50 & Overseas<\/h2><\/div>

\u2022 Age Caps on International Teachers\u00a0by country.
\u2022 Overseas & Over-50
\u2022 Old\u00a0Guys Trying to Land Positions
\u2022 How\u00a0Old is Too Old to Teach Overseas?<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>

Families Overseas<\/h2><\/div>
\u2022 Planning\u00a0a Family Overseas<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Family\u00a0Friendly Schools<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Just\u00a04\u00a0Parent<\/a>\u00a0–\u00a0which schools are academically solid.<\/div>\n
\u2022 Thoughts on Living Overseas With Children<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Guilt\u00a0Trips From Home \u00a0–\u00a0Going International with the Grandchildren<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Single\u00a0Mom \/ Single Dad: Raising a Family Overseas<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Going\u00a0International with Children<\/a><\/div>\n
\u2022 Going\u00a0International with Special Needs Children<\/a><\/div>\n<\/div>

Moving & Living Overseas<\/div><\/h2><\/div>

\u2022\u00a0Compromise: The Key to Success Overseas<\/a>
\n\u2022\u00a0Would You Still Teach in Western Europe?<\/a>

\n\u2022\u00a0Rate Alcohol Use @ Your School on Our Drink-o-meter\u00a0<\/a>
\u2022 How Will the U.S. Elections Affect International Educators?<\/a>
\n\u2022\u00a0Get Ready to Move Overseas<\/a>
\u2022 How Will You Spend Thanksgiving?<\/a>
\u2022 But…is it a healthy place to live?<\/a>
\n\u2022 Going\u00a0International with Health Issues
\u2022 Random\u00a0Acts of Kindness
\u2022 Why\u00a0I Went & Stayed<\/em> Overseas
\u2022 De-Stressing\u00a0@ a New School
\u2022 Is\u00a0America Safe for International Educators?
\u2022 Are\u00a0You Cut Out for This?<\/a>\u00a0<\/a>
\n\u2022 I’m Not Cut Out for THIS!
\u2022 What\u00a0Condition Is Your Condition In?
\u2022 Are\u00a0You a Teacher or a Traveler First?
\u2022 Schools\u00a0in Dangerous Locales
\u2022 What\u00a0Would it Take?
\u2022 Your\u00a0Health & Well being\u00a0Overseas by Overseas Counseling Service
\u2022 From\u00a0Agony to Ecstasy
\u2022 Transportation\u00a0in Your New Location
\u2022 Your\u00a0School’s Housing Policy Could Reveal More than\u00a0Meets the Eye
\u2022 Single\u00a0Overseas & Looking
\u2022 How\u00a0International Teaching Changes You
\u2022 Home\u00a0for the Holidays
\u2022 Does\u00a0Teaching Overseas Help or Hurt Your Career?
\u2022 When\u00a0Safety Comes First
\u2022 What\u00a0to do with Foreign Earned Income
\n\u2022 What’s\u00a0the International Life Style Really Like?\u00a0<\/a>
Asia<\/a> | <\/em><\/a>Africa<\/a> | <\/em><\/a>Europe<\/a> | <\/em><\/a>The\u00a0Americas<\/a>\u00a0<\/em><\/a>Middle\u00a0East
\u2022 To\u00a0Yard Sale or Not
\u2022 Cultural\u00a0Dissonance or The Fatal Faux Pas
\u2022 Being\u00a0Sick of Home is Hard to Cure
\u2022 m8bet mobile loginPeccadilloes & Other\u00a0Innocent Transgressions
\u2022 Medical\u00a0Tourism for International Educators
\u2022 Has\u00a0the Boat Already Sailed?
\u2022 Nervous\u00a0About Your First Time?
\u2022 Can\u00a0I Really Live on This Salary
\u2022 Don’t\u00a0Get Burnt with International Shipping<\/a>
\u2022 Making\u00a0Yourself at Hom<\/a>e<\/a>\u00a0<\/em>
\n\u2022 What to Leave Behind?\u00a0What\u00a0to Take?
\u2022 Swim\u00a0Suit Edition 2012 –\u00a0Top Tropical Vacations by Teachers Overseas
\u2022 OoOPs!!\u00a0The Departure & Arrival Misadventures\u00a0of an International Teacher
\u2022 Just\u00a0for FUN –\u00a0The Best Food, Drink etc, You’ve Had Overseas
\u2022 Staying\u00a0Clear of the US Tax Man
\u2022 You’re\u00a0Under Arrest – Now What?
\u2022 Earning\u00a0Your Doctorate From a Remote Location
\u2022 HookUps & BreakUps\u00a0Taking Relationships Overseas
\u2022 The\u00a0Key to Managing Your Finances From Overseas<\/a>
\n\u2022 Happiness Revealed
\u2022 Should\u00a0You Buy a Car Overseas? The Good,\u00a0the Bad, the Ugly, & the Crazies – Part 1
\u2022 Still\u00a0on the Fence About\u00a0International Teaching?
\u2022 How\u00a0to Buy a Good Car Overseas? The Good,\u00a0the Bad, the Ugly, & the Crazies – Part 2
\u2022 After\u00a0the Holidays I Don’t Want to go Back
\u2022 International\u00a0Teachers are Not Educational Revolutionaries
\u2022 Cooks,\u00a0Drivers and Nannys – Oh My!
\u2022 Alternative\u00a0Lifestyles Overseas
\u2022 Returning\u00a0or Moving On – Your Must-Do<\/em> List
\u2022 Going\u00a0International With Pets<\/a>
\u2022 Changes\u00a0in Latitude Changes in Attitude
\u2022 Our\u00a0Family is Not So Happy About Us Leaving to Teach Overseas<\/a><\/u><\/p>\n<\/div>


Teaching Related Articles<\/h2><\/div>

\u2022\u00a0Country-Native Directors & Principals<\/a>
\n\u2022 Is a Sense of Entitlement Hurting International Students?\u00a0<\/a>

\n\u2022 Is Inclusion More Than Just a Buzz Word @ Your School?<\/a>

\n\u2022 Wanted: Your<\/em> Opinion of IS Classroom Mgmt\/Discipline<\/a>

\n\u2022 Big-Time Teacher Salute from Former International School Student<\/a>

\n\u2022 If\u00a0I Only Knew Then<\/em> What I Know Now
\u2022 What’s<\/a>\u00a0in a School Name?
\u2022 How\u00a0Long is Too<\/em> Long at One School
\u2022 Personality\u00a0Co<\/a>nflict\u00a0with a Director?
\u2022 Top\u00a010 List of Things I’ve Learned by Teaching\u00a0Overseas
\u2022 1\u00a0Thing You Would Change About Your School
\u2022 Read\u00a0Making Lemonade at a Lemon of a School
\u2022 How\u00a0Supportive of Special Needs Students is Your School?
\u2022 Can\u00a0We Help the World by Teaching ‘Entitled’\u00a0Kids?
\u2022 Best\u00a0Schools For Professional Development
\u2022 For-Profit\u00a0vs Non-Profit Schools
\u2022 Really?\u00a0A Web Site to Evaluate International\u00a0Teachers?
\u2022 <\/em>Six-Word\u00a0Memoir – International Teaching\u00a0Distilled into 6 words
\u2022 Is\u00a0Teaching Abroad Right for Me as a New Teacher?
\u2022 Would\u00a0You Sacrifice Your Overseas Career?
\u2022 Teaching\u00a0Lord Fauntleroy
\u2022 Do\u00a0Meaningless Mission Statements = Poor Schools?
\u2022 Schools\u00a0with High Savings Potential
\u2022 Laid-off\u00a0Public School Teachers May Flood the Fairs
\u2022 Host\u00a0National VS\u00a0Foreign Hire: Is\u00a0One Better for the Position of\u00a0Administrator?
\u2022 Working\u00a0in International Schools – a Good Career Move?
\u2022 How\u00a0do International Educators See Their Careers
\u2022 Here\u00a0are the Dos<\/a> & here\u00a0are the Don’ts<\/a> of\u00a0Successful International School Directors
\u2022<\/a><\/em> My\u00a0Favorite International Teacher Blog
\u2022 Educating\u00a0for an Unknown Future
\u2022 What\u00a0Was Your<\/em> Ah-Ha Moment?
\u2022 Does\u00a0Size Matter? Small School vs. Big School
\u2022 How\u00a0the Principal Affects Your Overseas Experience
\u2022\u00a0The\u00a0Fear Factor\u00a0–\u00a0International Teaching in an Unsafe World
\u2022 Warning\u00a0Signs that Tell You Not to Take the Job
\u2022 WhatEducators are Saying About the Fear\u00a0Factor
\u2022 De-Stressing\u00a0@ a New School
\u2022 From\u00a0Public School Teacher to International Educator
\u2022 International\u00a0Teaching – A Career or An Adventure?
\u2022 The\u00a0Sticky Situation of Discipline
\u2022 What\u00a0Makes an International School a Tier-1 School?
\u2022 How\u00a0to Survive a Bad Administration
\u2022 I’m Ready to Run (from this school)
\u2022 Can\u00a0You Afford to Teach Overseas? Survey Results
\u2022 Outstanding\u00a0Moments in International Teaching
\u2022 Contract\u00a0Satisfaction Survey Results
\u2022 A\u00a0Perfect International School?
\u2022 International\u00a0Teaching: A Word of Advice<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>

Going Home & Summer Vacations<\/div><\/h2><\/div>

\u2022 What\u00a0Are International Educators\u00a0Doing This Summer?
\u2022 Going\u00a0Home to Stay
\u2022 What’s\u00a0Everyone\u00a0Doing this Summer Vacation?
\u2022 Why\u00a0Go Home When\u00a0You Can Retire Overseas?
\u2022 Who\u00a0Says You Can’t Go Home?
\u2022 Summer\u00a0Vacation Dilemmas\u00a0for International Educators
\u2022 Home\u00a0for the Summer: How will Family & Friends\u00a0Respond to Tales of Overseas Adventures?<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>


Cultural Issues<\/div><\/h2><\/div>

\u2022 School Getting Too Religious?<\/a>
\n\u2022\u00a0Will Taking That Photo Land You in Prison?\u00a0<\/a>
Teachers\u00a0Flashing Tattoos
\u2022 American\u00a0Experience – International Backdrop
\u2022 Us & Them<\/a> A “Redneck” Muslim\u00a0comments on racism in International Schools
\u2022 Turmoil\u00a0in the Islamic World
\u2022 Culture\u00a0Shock Kuwait –\u00a0Teachers’ Responses
\u2022 What\u00a0Defines Us as International Educators?
\u2022 What’s\u00a0American About\u00a0” American” International Schools?
\u2022 Teachers\u00a0of Color in International Schools
\u2022\u00a0Culture\u00a0Shock Kuwait: American\u00a0Teacher Finds Class-Based\u00a0Society Hard to Accept
\u2022 Thailand & Keera\u00a0Pat International School –\u00a0The Rest of The Story
\u2022 Kuwait\u00a0Revisited: A Concerned Citizen’s Perspective \/ <\/a>m8bet Mobile appRead\u00a0Teachers’ Responses
\u2022 In\u00a0Defense of Thailand: Rebuttal
\u2022 Local\u00a0Staff, Parents & Neighbors as Friends
\u2022 Strong\u00a0Responses to Rebuttal of\u00a0Thailand Article
\u2022 What\u00a0Teachers Like About\u00a0Teaching & Working in Kuwait: Survey Results
\u2022 World\u00a0Peace Day<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>


ISR Web Site Features & Articles About ISR<\/div><\/h2><\/div>

\u2022 What\u00a0Makes ISR Different?
\u2022 These\u00a0Comments Won’t Make it Onto ISR
\u2022 Why\u00a0Reviews of Schools Stop Posting
\u2022 ISR\u00a0Media Collection for International Educators
\u2022 The\u00a0Very Best Reviews
\u2022 Spread\u00a0The Word!\u00a0ISR Flyers to Distribute at Recruiting Fairs
\u2022 What\u00a0Teachers & Directors Are Saying About ISR
\u2022 Directors\u00a0Talk About International Schools Review
\u2022 I Was\u00a0Happy Until I Found ISR
\u2022 In\u00a0Defense of ISR:\u00a0A Rebuttal to Recent TIE Article
\u2022 How\u00a0do YOU use International Schools Review?
\u2022 Readers\u00a0Respond:<\/a> Should\u00a0Old Reviews Be Deleted for a New Director?
\u2022 Ask\u00a0Dr. Spilchuk – The ISR On Line Advisor
\u2022 Having\u00a0a Great School Year? Review Your School here!
\u2022 Are\u00a0Teachers Who Post Reviews on ISR\u00a0Merely “Disgruntled” Complainers?
\u2022 Well\u00a0Weathered by Paul Gioffi<\/a>\u00a0– Travel\u00a0Survival Notes and Advise
\u2022 Teachers\u00a0Keeping Each Other Informed\u00a0The ISR Forum
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