New m8bet mobile version Reviews
• International m8bet mobile version Warsaw Poland 11/30 First time reviewed on ISR[560 words]
• Escuela Internacional de Sampedrana Honduras 11/30 review 24
All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at this m8bet mobile version… [329 words]
• Harare International m8bet mobile version Zimbabwe 11/30 review 13
Educationally, it’s a good environment, supportive and interesting… [614 words]
• American International m8bet mobile version Zagreb Croatia 11/30 review 7
The m8bet mobile version went through 4 directors and 3 principals in 5 years.. [782 words]
• I-Shou International m8bet mobile version Taiwan 11/30 review 8
Only work here if your dream is to live in Taiwan… [1,971 words]
• Lincoln m8bet mobile version Nepal 11/29 review 2
The rules at the m8bet mobile version are odd to say the least… [822 words]
• International Academy Amman Jordan 11/29 review 31
The campus is lovely – an oasis of green in the city of Amman…[875 words]
• Beanstalk International Bilingual m8bet mobile version China 11/29 review 23
Update to previous review… [107 words]
• British International m8bet mobile version Cairo Egypt 11/28 review 24
Decisions at the m8bet mobile version are fueled by the nouveau riche parents… [3,185 words]
• British International m8bet mobile version Riyadh Saudi Arabia 11/28 review 12
m8bet mobile version is more of who you know than what you know… [95 words]
• Qatar Academy Al Wakra Qatar 11/28 review 10
QAW is not a safe place to give feedback as a teacher… [1,059 words]
• Colegio International de Caracas Venezuela 11/27 review 13
Teaching here will spoil you. Students at this m8bet mobile version are unreal… [140 words]
• Aldar Academies UAE 11/27 review 9
You’ll be sent on all day visa runs on the weekend every month… [77 words]
• International Programs m8bet mobile version Saudi Arabia 11/27 review 7
Curriculum is changing, as are the wages, hours & holidays… [602 words]
• ISF International m8bet mobile version Frankfurt Rhein-Main Germany 11/27 review 7
SABIS system means the teacher is wrong & the book is right… [516 words]
• St. Dominic’s International m8bet mobile version Portugal 11/27 review 21
Housing is very expensive & the cost of living very high… [212 words]
• SEV American College Turkey 11/26 First time reviewed on ISR[385 words]
• SEV American College Turkey 11/26 review 2
Changed the terms in the first 3 months of a 2 year contract… [205 words]
• International m8bet mobile version Ruhr Germany 11/26 review 7
I would never work for a SBW m8bet mobile version again… [988 words]
• American Embassy m8bet mobile version New Delhi India 11/26 review 13
There is no job security at AES, anymore… [210 words]
• JBCN International m8bet mobile version India 11/21 First time reviewed on ISR[386 words]
• Chadwick International Korea 11/21 review 11
A young m8bet mobile version, but its grown quickly & in the right direction… [458 words]
• Jay Pritzker Academy Cambodia 11/21 review 7
Count on zero job security & the ax always just above your head… [211 words]
• Cairo English m8bet mobile version Egypt 11/20 review 20
Professional development is weak… [283 words]
• Cairo English m8bet mobile version Egypt 11/20 review 21
Started with a group of new teachers & by the end only 3 remain… [263 words]
• Carol Morgan m8bet mobile version Dominican Republic 11/20 review 19
The overall package is very good… [1,339 words]
• Albanian International m8bet mobile version Albania 11/19 review 9
There’s no PD offered. Student books are photocopied & shared… [189 words]
• British International m8bet mobile version Ukraine 11/19 review 34
The m8bet mobile version community is welcoming and collegial… [149 words]
• Beijing International Bilingual Academy China 11/19 review 25
23 month contract vs. standard 24 month contract to save money… [98 words]
• Canadian International m8bet mobile version Phnom Penh Cambodia 11/16 review 2
There are some very kind and gifted people at CIS. But… [820 words]
• Albanian College Durres Albania 11/16 review 25
I have reservations about the future financial stability of the m8bet mobile version… [493 words]
• Wuhan Ulink College of China Optics Valley China 11/16 review 3
It is a big step down from my last m8bet mobile version… [716 words]
• Shanghai Singapore International m8bet mobile version China 11/16 review 23
The m8bet mobile version has a positive and friendly vibe… [94 words]
• The Victoria m8bet mobile version Colombia 11/15 First time reviewed on ISR[615 words]
• Gyeonggi Suwon International m8bet mobile version Korea 11/15 review 11
In financial trouble due to the decreased number of students… [590 words]
• Modern English m8bet mobile version Egypt 11/15 review 32
You can make a lot of money here if… [26 words]
• Al Maha Academy for Boys Qatar 11/15 review 46
I was quite surprised to see on LinkedIn that the Principal states… [77 words]
• Qatar Academy Sidra Qatar 11/14 review 5
Past reviews are spot on about the elementary m8bet mobile version… [89 words]
• American International m8bet mobile version Vietnam 11/14 review 32
There’s a reason for multiple positions for hire & high turn over… [67 words]
• Nido de Aguilas International m8bet mobile version Chile 11/14 review 11
Ask a lot of questions about the contract… [480 words]
• Pan American m8bet mobile version Bahia Brazil 11/13 review 7
There’s an Orwellian feel to working at PASB… [688 words]
• Think International m8bet mobile version Hong Kong 11/13 review 2
Letter from Director to parents about m8bet mobile version name change… [502 words]
• m8bet mobile version of the Nations Macau China 11/13 review 4
Adopted a policy of refusing to provide references for teachers… [757 words]
• Riyadh Schools Saudi Arabia 11/13 review 3
Salary was good. Housing and medical were fine… [62 words]
• Al Ain Juniors m8bet mobile version UAE 11/12 First time reviewed on ISR[1,154 words]
• Nile Valley m8bet mobile version Sudan 11/12 review 6
I’d recommend it for a one or two year stint… [329 words]
• British m8bet mobile version Beijing Shunyi China 11/12 review 21
I thoroughly enjoyed my first three years in this m8bet mobile version, but then… [421 words]
• American Overseas m8bet mobile version Rome Italy 11/12 review 5
Make sure promises are in writing… [27 words]
• Bangalore International m8bet mobile version India 11/9 First time reviewed on ISR[367 words]
• Lahore American m8bet mobile version Pakistan 11/9 review 7
Life here is isolated and unpredictable… [1,096 words]
• International British m8bet mobile version Kuwait 11/9 review 13
Students moving to other schools are 3-4 years behind… [84 words]
• Regent m8bet mobile version Abuja Nigeria 11/9 review 1.1
Update to the first review I posted about my interview & follow up… [249 words]
• Madison International m8bet mobile version Merida Mexico 11/8 First time reviewed on ISR[1,100 words]
• Nexus International m8bet mobile version Singapore 11/8 review 4
Improvements have been made, but there’s still no structure… [190 words]
• Nova International m8bet mobile version Macedonia 11/8 review 2
The compensation package was very reasonable… [423 words]
• Chatsworth International m8bet mobile version Singapore 11/8 review 18
Singapore has a union that can be used in contractual matters… [508 words]
• Concordia International m8bet mobile version Shanghai China 11/7 review 11
A list of what I perceive to be the pros & cons of this m8bet mobile version… [216 words]
• British International m8bet mobile version Al Khobar Saudi Arabia 11/7 review 9
Teachers averaging a 60 hr week & still struggling to keep up… [476 words]
• ISA International m8bet mobile version Guangzhou China 11/7 review 9
Forget m8bet mobile version spirit or being part of a greater community… [357 words]
• Jakarta Intercultural m8bet mobile version Indonesia 11/7 review 18
Truly a wonderful place… [778 words]
• Suzhou Singapore International m8bet mobile version China 11/6 review 61
EVERYTHING is considered extra duties… [590 words]
• Kongsberg International m8bet mobile version Norway 11/6 review 2
Academic procedure is interrupted by dance-off competitions… [179 words]
• Colegio Anglo Colombiano Colombia 11/6 review 11
A reasonable m8bet mobile version to work for… [140 words]
• Beijing International m8bet mobile version BISS China 11/5 review 18
The hallways are dark, the bathrooms dirty… [539 words]
• British m8bet mobile version Beijing Shunyi China 11/5 review 20
Class sizes are extremely large by int’l m8bet mobile version standards… [542 words]
• St. George’s The British International m8bet mobile version Germany 11/5 review 4
Not an international m8bet mobile version in any true sense… [122 words]
• Raha International m8bet mobile version UAE 11/5 review 6
Cost of living is increasing, but the allowance doesn’t change… [422 words]
• Anglo-American m8bet mobile version Moscow Russia 11/5 review 25
A difficult place to work with high stress & long work days… [515 words]
• Cambridge International Centre DaQing No.1 China 11/2 review 7
There is a bonus scheme for good academic results… [704 words]
• Guangdong Country Garden m8bet mobile version China 11/2 review 29
A rough experience made slightly better by good colleagues… [334 words]
• Diyar International Private m8bet mobile version UAE 11/2 review 5
Teachers in the same positions are paid different salaries… [764 words]
• Excelsior International m8bet mobile version Malaysia 11/2 review 9
The m8bet mobile version is generally poorly designed… [232 words]
• Fairfield International Academy Jamaica 11/1 First time reviewed on ISR[82 words]
• British m8bet mobile version Beijing Shunyi China 11/1 review 19
The facilities, the management, & the resources are poor… [375 words]