New m8bet sports betting Reviews
(*) Includes m8bet sports betting’s response to COVID-19
• Wycombe Abbey International m8bet sports betting China 5/29 review 19
Over 40 of 110 staff left last year & it appears the same are leaving this year… [383 words]
• Shanghai Community International m8bet sports betting China 5/29 review 51
Your job is never secure & contracts don’t mean anything… [369 words]
• International m8bet sports betting Kazan Russia 5/29 review 9
Can be criticized for many things, but you’ll be supported & appreciated… [2,282 words]
• HD Schools Beijing China 5/28First time reviewed on ISR[215 words]
• American International m8bet sports betting Kuwait 5/28 review 69
Try back again in a couple of years… [28 words]
• British International m8bet sports betting Ukraine 5/28 review 50
Tow the party line, tick the boxes, shut your mouth, & wear a tie… [324 words]
• British International m8bet sports betting Ukraine 5/28 review 51
Save yourself a lot of time and just go mad now… [254 words]
• American Overseas m8bet sports betting Rome Italy 5/27 review9
Look at these low reviews & think it’s worth it to live in Rome. It’s not… [367 words]
• British m8bet sports betting Caracas Venezuela 5/27 review 29
Not for people with kids… [138 words]
• Compass m8bet online sports bettings Doha Qatar 5/27 review 8
A wonderful place to live & teach… [495 words]
• *St. Dominic’s International m8bet sports betting Portugal 5/26 review 44*
There is always a revolving door of unpaid teachers… [795 words]
• *St. Dominic’s International m8bet sports betting Portugal 5/26 review 45*
Zero business ethics & value money above everything… [240 words]
• *St. Dominic’s International m8bet sports betting Portugal 5/26 review 46*
Nearly everyone I came to this m8bet sports betting with will also leave… [641 words]
• Children’s International m8bet sports betting Norway 5/25First time reviewed on ISR [1,084 words]
• Al Forsan m8bet online sports bettings Saudi Arabia 5/25 review 3
Well-equipped building & good salaries doesn’t make an effective m8bet sports betting… [185 words]
• * Woodstock International m8bet sports betting India 5/25 review 4 *
Do take these points into consideration if you are planning on applying… [394 words]
• British Columbia International m8bet sports betting Bangkok Thailand 5/25 review 5
Speak to many staff members before signing on the dotted line… [867 words]
• St. Andrews International m8bet sports betting Sukhumvit 71 Thailand 5/22 review 4
Good m8bet sports betting to work at, but rapid expansion may lead to a higher staff turnover… [495 words]
• International Community m8bet sports betting Addis Ababa Ethiopia 5/22 review 17
A great place to be. You’ll leave as a better teacher & a better person… [620 words]
• St. Dominic’s International m8bet sports betting Portugal 5/22 review 43
No heritage just a legacy of poor management & owner greed… [841 words]
• Colegio Inter-Americano Guatemala 5/21 review 26
Ethically I cannot continue to work at the “m8bet sports betting”… [66 words]
• International m8bet sports betting Basel Switzerland 5/21 review 2
Salary, PD & m8bet sports betting budgets are more than fine… [185 words]
• International m8bet sports betting Brunei Darussalam 5/21 review 22
Gardening & image was more important than long awaited pay rises… [230 words]
• *Malvern College Qingdao China 5/20 review 18*
This week it’s been announced, all students in all years must return… [276 words]
• International m8bet sports betting Macao 5/20 review 23
Like the Golden Apple, looks amazing, rotten on the inside… [419 words]
• Pearling Season International m8bet sports betting Qatar 5/20 review 7
Salary reduced for all staff by around 20%… [89 words]
• Gateway International m8bet sports betting Vietnam 5/19First time reviewed on ISR[191 words]
• Shenzhen American International m8bet sports betting China 5/19 review 17
Built for over 600 students, but never had more than 150… [337 words]
• Thai-Chinese International m8bet sports betting Thailand 5/19 review 38
Salaries based on the “good old boys” policy… [962 words]
• Al Jazeera Academy Doha Qatar 5/19 review 35
Extremely demanding due to a top heavy structure… [506 words]
• Transformation Academy Shanghai China 5/18 First time reviewed on ISR[245 words]
• Lincoln m8bet sports betting Nepal 5/18 review 3
Working here is not a good experience… [236 words]
• International Programs m8bet sports betting Saudi Arabia 5/18 review 12
The m8bet sports betting building looks impressive but beware… [47 words]
• Wellspring Learning Community Lebanon 5/15 review 9
No longer be receiving payments in dollars, but rather in Lebanese Lira… [691 words]
• Wroclaw International m8bet sports betting Poland 5/15 review 7
IB values such as int’l mindedness & integrity are non-existent… [444 words]
• Bilkent Erzurum Laboratory m8bet sports betting Turkey 5/15 review 10
Teacher turn over is very high & no it’s not because life in Erzurum is hard… [634 words]
• Panaga m8bet sports betting Brunei Darussalam 5/15 review 14
Positives of living in Brunei don’t out weigh the negatives of working here… [517 words]
• Jeddah Knowledge International m8bet sports betting Saudi Arabia 5/15 review 30
Why are the vast majority of the reviews so negative?… [1,238 words]
• Panaga m8bet sports betting Brunei Darussalam 5/14 review 13
A move here is not very easy as nothing is organised for you… [400 words]
• CIS Armenia International m8bet sports betting Armenia 5/14 review 9
Secondary was a disastrous place to work… [91 words]
• *Gulf English m8bet sports betting Kuwait 5/14 review 45*
They talk about ‘family’, I’d NEVER treat my family in this way… [277 words]
• *Kaiwen Academy Haidian China 5/14 review 17*
During the pandemic period I felt secured & safe… [213 words]
• Branksome Hall Asia Korea 5/13 review 14
Parent community is nasty, controlling & demanding… [261 words]
• Shenzhen American International m8bet sports betting China 5/13 review 16
They will use the most bizarre & frivolous reasons to justify firing people… [136 words]
• *Khartoum American m8bet sports betting Sudan 5/13 review 6*
This review, by contrast, is a simple, “Yeah, KAS is okay”… [2,377 words]
• *Universal American m8bet sports betting Kuwait 5/13 review 42*
Informed us regularly of government decisions & reassured us… [108 words]
• Bilkent Erzurum Laboratory m8bet sports betting Turkey 5/12 review 9
BELS getting their accreditation is a black mark for CIS… [525 words]
• *Al Maha Academy for Boys Qatar 5/12 review 49*
I stayed in the job to save bucks but wish I had not… [289 words]
• *British International m8bet sports betting Riyadh Saudi Arabia 5/12 review 13*
You won’t grow as a teacher here & may find yourself de-skilling… [755 words]
• Nun Academy Saudi Arabia 5/12 review 7
I lasted less than one semester… [194 words]
• Bilkent Erzurum Laboratory m8bet sports betting Turkey 5/11 review 8
You will have to grovel for a reference… [1,217 words]
• Baku Modern m8bet sports betting Azerbaijan 5/11 review 4
After reading the latest review I need to chime in… [339 words]
• Shenzhen American International m8bet sports betting China 5/11 review 15
Old m8bet sports betting, but kind of like a brand new one… [112 words]
• RDFZ International Curriculum Center China 5/8 review 5
If you stick your head out in any way, you can see yourself out the door… [265 words]
• *Malvern College Qingdao China 5/8 review 17*
Involves long hours, despite claims to address work-life balance… [654 words]
• Beijing International Singaporean m8bet sports betting China 5/8 review 28
The purpose of a task often lacks logic… [118 words]
• Al Maha Academy for Girls Qatar 5/7 review 19
If only they’d let teachers teach, & give students the opportunity to learn… [520 words]
• Gyeonggi Suwon International m8bet sports betting Korea 5/7 review 13
Just know that the parents will dictate everything… [427 words]
• *Malvern College Qingdao China 5/7 review 15*
It used to be a happy place- I can’t say that now!… [373 words]
• Malvern College Qingdao China 5/7 review 16
A good place to earn some money, but… [189 words]
• British m8bet online sports bettings Kurdistan Iraq 5/6 review 3
After all, it’s profitable. Why look too closely?… [353 words]
• *Cairo English m8bet sports betting Egypt 5/6 review 26*
Pure and simple, CES sets teachers up to fail… [606 words]
• British International m8bet sports betting Ukraine 5/6 review 49
A pseudo m8bet sports betting in pseudo-Europe… [600 words]
• *British International m8bet sports betting Jeddah Saudi Arabia 5/6 review 21*
Staff retention does not seem to be high on the agenda… [74 words]
• *JOY EL Academy China 5/5* First time reviewed on ISR[539 words]
• Nun Academy Saudi Arabia 5/5 review 4
Still work in progress but the people are lovely… [1,662 words]
• Nun Academy Saudi Arabia 5/5 review 5
A highly respected, valued international m8bet sports betting… [540 words]
• Nun Academy Saudi Arabia 5/5 review 6
I’m enjoying my time & the benefits of living & working in the ME… [424 words]
• International m8bet sports betting Krakow Poland 5/5 review 6
Small, genuine m8bet sports betting filled with fantastic students & staff… [568 words]
• *Cakir Schools Turkey 5/4* First time reviewed on ISR[664 words]
• International m8bet sports betting Latvia 5/4 review 11
A little bit of a roller-coaster, but every year the m8bet sports betting grew in positive ways… [1,665 words]
• Qingdao Amerasia International m8bet sports betting China 5/4 review 6
QAIS really feels like home & I hope to renew my contract… [177 words]
• *Nova International m8bet sports betting Sudan 5/4 review 6*
Owner of the m8bet sports betting is also the principal, what he says goes… [279 words]
• Hillcrest International m8bet sports betting Nairobi Kenya 5/1 review 3
Let’s hope GEMS can make a difference… [187 words]
• International m8bet sports betting Ho Chi Minh City – American Academy Vietnam 5/1 review 3
Decisions of the SLT have really hamstrung the m8bet sports betting… [217 words]
• *Malvern College Qingdao China 5/1 review 14*
Nearly everyone I came with will leave this year… [331 words]
• Shen Wai International m8bet sports betting China 5/1 review 11
It has a far way to go to reach ‘true blue’ international m8bet sports betting level… [796 words]