New m8bet mobile version Reviews
• Bahrain Bayan m8bet mobile version Bahrain 6/28 review 17
Useful for gaining experience, but not for long-term development… [341 words]
• Brighton College Vietnam 6/28 review 13
The negative reviews do truly reflect the situation at BCVN… [679 words]
• Sedbergh m8bet mobile version China 6/28 review 5
I lost two jobs due to their sudden change of heart… [251 words]
• Beijing International Bilingual Academy China 6/28 review 61
This past m8bet mobile version year has been the worst that I’ve experienced… [360 words]
• Wellington College International m8bet mobile version Bangkok Thailand 6/27
First time reviewed on ISR [426 words]
• British International m8bet mobile version Riyadh Saudi Arabia 6/27 review 25
A stressful & unproductive environment for both staff & students… [497 words]
• American United m8bet mobile version Kuwait 6/27 review 3
During my years at AUS, I felt completely unheard by admin… [1,153 words]
• Brighton College Vietnam 6/27 review 11
The negatives overshadow everything… [179 words]
• Brighton College Vietnam 6/27 review 12
HR tried to change contracts mid year… [554 words]
• King’s College International m8bet mobile version Bangkok Thailand 6/26 review 5
Still advertising for teachers at this late stage of the year… [283 words]
• European Azerbaijan m8bet mobile version Azerbaijan 6/26 review 9
The resources are limited. The pedagogy is outdated… [151 words]
• Sedbergh Vietnam 6/26 review 2
It’s difficult to see how it can sustain itself without major changes… [685 words]
• Australian International m8bet mobile version Phnom Penh Cambodia 6/26 review 18
With new leadership it could flourish into a really great place… [175 words]
• International m8bet mobile version Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 6/26 review 35
I’m sad to leave, but had no choice due to ridiculous low pay… [784 words]
• Brighton College Vietnam 6/25 review 6
Is BCVN good? Honestly, it’s a mixed bag… [234 words]
• Brighton College Vietnam 6/25 review 7
Around 30% of staff leaving after one year… [278 words]
• Brighton College Vietnam 6/25 review 8
I am enjoying my time here… [124 words]
• Brighton College Vietnam 6/25 review 9
I regret ignoring the red flags before I came to Hanoi… [196 words]
• Brighton College Vietnam 6/25 review 10
I love living & working here & I’ve no regrets whatsoever… [476 words]
• Aldenham Prep m8bet mobile version Saudi Arabia 6/25 review 13
A depressing mess for those that see themselves as educators… [90 words]
• Berlin Cosmopolitan m8bet mobile version Germany 6/25 review 4
Always understaffed & management does little to solve this… [276 words]
• Hong Kong Academy Hong Kong 6/25 review 14
Teachers have no real voice to express their concerns… [1,145 words]
• Lancaster m8bet mobile version Mexico 6/25 review 5
The most problematic thing is the salary vs cost of living… [221 words]
• International m8bet mobile version Estonia 6/25 review 3
Wellness, for both teachers & students, is not taken seriously… [944 words]
• GEMS American Academy Dubai UAE 6/24 review 36
Trust is a fragile commodity here… [1,083 words]
• Berlin Metropolitan m8bet mobile version Germany 6/24 review 8
Class sizes are large, and support is minimal… [177 words]
• Berlin Brandenburg International m8bet mobile version Germany 6/24 review 9
Teachers are undervalued & misled upon joining… [157 words]
• Brighton College Vietnam 6/24 review 4
I struggle to find any redeeming qualities… [3,216 words]
• Brighton College Vietnam 6/24 review 5
I enjoy the community and the pupils here… [78 words]
• GEMS World Academy Abu Dhabi UAE 6/21 review 41
The m8bet mobile version is reactive instead of proactive… [844 words]
• International Bilingual m8bet mobile version Tainan Science Park Taiwan 6/21 review 3
m8bet mobile version needs a lot of development to sustain good teachers… [302 words]
• Mandalika Intercultural m8bet mobile version Indonesia 6/21 review 4
Every single day is a valuable lesson & experience for me… [256 words]
• International m8bet mobile version Dhaka Bangladesh 6/20 review 44
If you’ve any professional backbone, ISD will be difficult… [713 words]
• BASIS International m8bet mobile version Hangzhou China 6/20 review 5
I totally regret working at BASIS… [1,632 words]
• Branksome Hall Asia Korea 6/20 review 22
3 new mottos in the last 2 years… [328 words]
• Beanstalk International Bilingual m8bet mobile version China 6/20 review 31
We were told yesterday International m8bet mobile version will close… [75 words]
• Brighton College Vietnam 6/19 review 3
Everything is owned & run by Vingroup… [693 words]
• Thai-Chinese International m8bet mobile version Thailand 6/19 review 41
There were good times, & there were bad times… [384 words]
• British International m8bet mobile version Washington USA 6/19 review 4
Workload is worse than it was in the UK… [241 words]
• Western International m8bet mobile version Shanghai China 6/19 review 11
Overall, WISS is not a terrible m8bet mobile version! However… [943 words]
• Valley Forge Academy Qatar 6/18 review 4
I can honestly say it’s sad to leave the m8bet mobile version… [146 words]
• Enko Botho International m8bet mobile version Botswana 6/18 review 3
The m8bet mobile version is subject to three masters… [209 words]
• American International m8bet mobile version Egypt 6/18 review 57
A sustained culture of unethical practices… [436 words]
• Heritage International m8bet mobile version Moldova 6/17 review 2
A bilingual, for-profit institution & not a true int’l m8bet mobile version… [2,628 words]
• Gulf British Academy Kuwait 6/17 review 2
More than half the staff have left this year… [184 words]
• Al-Bayan Bilingual m8bet mobile version Kuwait 6/17 review 36
Kuwait as a destination is fine. BBS as a m8bet mobile version is a mess… [1,286 words]
• Bishkek International m8bet mobile version Kyrgyzstan 6/17 review 4
I spent a very happy four years teaching in PYP… [467 words]
• Korea International m8bet mobile version Korea 6/14 review 30
Controversy, admin missteps, & growing dissatisfaction… [759 words]
• American International m8bet mobile version Jeddah Saudi Arabia 6/14 review 71
Really is international in name only… [96 words]
• Swiss International Scientific m8bet mobile version Dubai UAE 6/13 review 13
I must say it was nothing short of a nightmare… [576 words]
• Berlin Brandenburg International m8bet mobile version Germany 6/13 review 8
Changed contract details upon arrival… [240 words]
• San Silvestre m8bet mobile version Peru 6/13 review 2
Paints a stark picture of the modern educational landscape… [286 words]
• American Cooperative m8bet mobile version Tunis Tunisia 6/12 review 34
As we close out the m8bet mobile version year, I’d like to share my experience… [178 words]
• International m8bet mobile version Riga Latvia 6/12 review 4
The rapid downfall has been quick & devastating… [238 words]
• Sedbergh m8bet mobile version China 6/12 review 4
No one knows the direction this m8bet mobile version is headed… [1,298 words]
• American United m8bet mobile version Kuwait 6/11 review 2
AUSK IS NOT a better choice as the motto leads… [705 words]
• Aldenham Prep m8bet mobile version Saudi Arabia 6/11 review 12
The least able have been raised to the highest positions… [59 words]
• Transylvania College Romania 6/10 review 2
The m8bet mobile version facilities are inadequate to say the least… [201 words]
• ABC International Vietnam 6/10 review 9
I wasn’t aware of how stressed I’d become until I left… [277 words]
• United Nations International m8bet mobile version USA 6/7 review 2
I hope it can right itself but suspect the status quo will remain… [379 words]
• Network International m8bet mobile version Myanmar 6/7 review 7
This m8bet mobile version has huge issues… [355 words]
• TH m8bet mobile version Vietnam 6/7 review 9
My time at TH m8bet mobile version was very special… [423 words]
• Yangon International m8bet mobile version Myanmar 6/7 review 33
The m8bet mobile version offers nothing but a hot mess… [373 words]
• Prince of Wales Island International m8bet mobile version Malaysia 6/7 review 7
The m8bet mobile version is poorly resourced & maintained… [73 words]
• Transylvania College Romania 6/6
First time reviewed on ISR[144 words]
• Al Maharat Private m8bet mobile version UAE 6/6
First time reviewed on ISR [202 words]
• Southbridge International m8bet mobile version Cambodia 6/6
First time reviewed on ISR [306 words]
• Southbridge International m8bet mobile version Cambodia 6/6 review 2
Those that do pass, succeed IN SPITE of the chaos… [434 words]
• Yangon International m8bet mobile version Myanmar 6/5 review 32
Everyone is staring at each other wondering what is going on… [381 words]
• Amman Baccalaureate m8bet mobile version Jordan 6/5 review 9
At this rate, I doubt they’ll still be able to attract foreign teachers… [293 words]
• American International m8bet mobile version Egypt – West Campus 6/4 review 25
The salary is so low it is hard to live on… [158 words]
• Sherborne Qatar 6/4 review 25
Appeasing parents, filling seats & not improving the m8bet mobile version… [128 words]
• Australian International m8bet mobile version Phnom Penh Cambodia 6/3 review 17
It looks like an optimistic future for staff at AISPP… [107 words]
• Bali Island m8bet mobile version Indonesia 6/3 review 15
Years of excellence down the drain in 1 year… [523 words]