New m8bet mobile version Reviews
• Emirates National m8bet mobile version Ras Al Khaimah UAE 6/30
First time reviewed on ISR[372 words]
• Dwight m8bet mobile version Dubai UAE 6/30
First time reviewed on ISR[624 words]
• Mandarin International m8bet mobile version Thailand 6/30
First time reviewed on ISR[299 words]
• Harrow International m8bet mobile version Shenzhen Qianhai China 6/29 review 15
I’ve survived, but with my social & emotional health in tatters… [624 words]
• Beijing Tongzhou Shuren China 6/29 review 5
Complaints I have are numerous enough I could write a book… [1,339 words]
• Chiyoda International m8bet mobile version Japan 6/29 review 5
Rebuttal from former ES Principal… [1,234 words]
• Seoul International m8bet mobile version Korea 6/28 review 55
There is a real life problem here at SIS… [1,735 words]
• Nova International m8bet mobile version Macedonia 6/28 review 9
Everyone’s voice matters… [537 words]
• Amnuay Silpa Bilingual m8bet mobile version Bangkok Thailand 6/28 review 9
My experience has been incredibly positive… [317 words]
• American m8bet mobile version Tangier Morocco 6/28 review 5
Professional teachers are mistreated & marginalized… [101 words]
• Dulwich College Suzhou China 6/28 review 21
Getting m8bet mobile version culture right is paramount, they missed the mark… [268 words]
• International m8bet mobile version Beijing-Shunyi China 6/27 review 15
Loved the m8bet mobile version & China, you will, also… [582 words]
• Cairo English m8bet mobile version Egypt 6/27 review 32
They will burn you out & use you up… [3,015 words]
• Sherborne Qatar 6/27 review 10
Chaotic with the goal posts constantly shifting… [106 words]
• m8bet online sports bettings of North America Vietnam 6/24 review 6
Not a place to grow & definitely not a place to prosper… [667 words]
• Kyoto International m8bet mobile version Japan 6/24 review 7
Doesn’t put a heavy burden of work expectations… [652 words]
• Colegio Nueva Granada Bogota Colombia 6/24 review 11
The m8bet mobile version is neither amazing, nor horrible… [747 words]
• Artal Preparatory m8bet mobile version Saudi Arabia 6/23
First time reviewed on ISR[243 words]
• Nanjing Ansheng (Thomas) m8bet mobile version China 6/23
First time reviewed on ISR[243 words]
• Hefei Thomas m8bet mobile version China 6/23
First time reviewed on ISR[607 words]
• Acorns International m8bet mobile version Uganda 6/22 review 2
Not the place for experienced & well-travelled teachers… [1,530 words]
• Kazakhstan International m8bet mobile version Kazakhstan 6/22 review 15
Could be a good m8bet mobile version but everything is done on the cheap… [146 words]
• Yew Wah International Education m8bet mobile version Guangzhou China 6/22 review 7
They don’t ever seem to look further than a week ahead… [531 words]
• American m8bet mobile version Tegucigalpa Honduras 6/22 review 4
AST & Honduras exceeded all my expectations… [558 words]
• Suzhou Industrial Park Foreign Language m8bet mobile version China 6/21 review 6
God protect the poor souls that come here next year… [697 words]
• Canadian International m8bet mobile version Beijing China 6/21 review 6
m8bet mobile version for new teachers or with no IB experience… [181 words]
• Wycombe Abbey International m8bet mobile version China 6/21 review 40
The validity of the contracts are questionable… [463 words]
• Sherborne Qatar 6/20 review 9
As with any start up, there’s been challenges… [96 words]
• International m8bet mobile version Tanganyika Tanzania 6/20 review 26
I’ve learned how to work in constant chaos… [153 words]
• Dulwich College Suzhou China 6/20 review 20
What really lets the m8bet mobile version down is the leadership… [308 words]
• Al Sahwa Schools Oman 6/17 review 40
Wish I’d contemplated the warning signs on ISR… [676 words]
• Westminster International m8bet mobile version Uzbekistan 6/17 review 9
I hope the owner reads this & takes time to talk to staff… [334 words]
• Amman Baccalaureate m8bet mobile version Jordan 6/17 review 8
So many positive aspects & a genuine familial culture… [619 words]
• United World College Atlantic Great Britain 6/16
First time reviewed on ISR [266 words]
• Ras Al Khaimah Academy UAE 5/16 review 33
Management in this m8bet mobile version are insufferable… [189 words]
• St. Michael’s m8bet mobile version Dominican Republic 5/16 review 2
Owners continue to make day-to-day decisions… [556 words]
• Sri KDU International m8bet mobile version Malaysia 5/15 review 17
A thriving, happy m8bet mobile version turned into a sinking ship… [269 words]
• Tsinghua High m8bet mobile version International China 5/15 review 8
Bottom line, the most important thing here is money… [760 words]
• Al Sahwa Schools Oman 6/15 review 39
There is excessive bullying from admin… [544 words]
• Seoul International m8bet mobile version Korea 6/14 review 54
E-mail from Head of m8bet mobile version to ISR… [121 words]
• BASIS International m8bet mobile version Shenzhen China 6/14 review 16
The administration makes the experience a career breaker… [233 words]
• International m8bet mobile version Tanganyika Tanzania 6/14 review 25
Just as teachers work hard, they play hard… [165 words]
• Beijing International Bilingual Academy China 6/14 review 46
Under-funded, poorly staffed & stifled by regulations… [474 words]
• Yew Wah International Education m8bet mobile version Shanghai Gubei China 6/13 review 2
The only positive is the location in downtown… [116 words]
• Cambridge m8bet mobile version Bucharest Romania 6/13 review 8
All you need to know is… [28 words]
• BASIS International m8bet mobile version Park Lane Harbour China 6/10 review 16
Challenges were exacerbated by the pandemic… [479 words]
• Beijing International Bilingual Academy China 6/10 review 45
I feel I have a duty to say this… [368 words]
• International m8bet mobile version Manila Philippines 6/10 review 22
Non-disclosure staff are held hostage to sign… [564 words]
• Sherborne Qatar 6/10 review 8
I’m not the only teacher in this position… [89 words]
• Qingdao Academy China 6/9
First time reviewed on ISR[1,008 words]
• Heritage Xperiential Learning m8bet mobile version India 6/9
First time reviewed on ISR[934 words]
• High m8bet mobile version Affiliated to Beijing Normal University China 6/9
First time reviewed on ISR [1,990 words]
• Harrow International m8bet mobile version Shenzhen Qianhai China 6/9 review 14
39 members of staff are leaving this summer… [369 words]
• Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy China 6/8 review 34
Hostility against westerners is palpable… [522 words]
• Al Sahwa Schools Oman 6/8 review 38
If you don’t obey you’re branded as negative… [197 words]
• International m8bet mobile version Phnom Penh Cambodia 6/8 review 24
It is no longer what it once was… [448 words]
• ABA Oman International m8bet mobile version Oman 6/8 review 16
A lot of potential but leadership isn’t in place to move forward… [771 words]
• American International m8bet mobile version Egypt – West Campus Egypt 6/7 review 20
The m8bet mobile version infrastructure is literally falling down… [202 words]
• Qatar Academy Doha Qatar 6/6 review 29
Morale at all time low due to the lack of respect… [982 words]
• International m8bet mobile version Tanganyika Tanzania 6/6 review 24
A good m8bet mobile version that I would recommend… [82 words]
• Repton International m8bet mobile version Malaysia 6/3 review 15
Feels like being in a dodgy reality show… [1,451 words]
• Britannica International m8bet mobile version Shanghai China 6/3 review 2
Friendly & supportive environment that’s easy to adjust to… [387 words]
• Dulwich College Beijing China 6/3 review 16
The m8bet mobile version is a mere shadow of its past glory… [253 words]
• Ivy Collegiate Academy Taiwan 6/3 review 25
Toxic work environment is not worth a year of your life… [865 words]
• Brent International m8bet mobile version Subic Philippines 6/2
First time reviewed on ISR [1,476 words]
• Panyathip International m8bet mobile version Laos 6/2
First time reviewed on ISR [182 words]
• Panaga m8bet mobile version Brunei Darussalam 6/2 review 23
Education is not the main goal of the company… [330 words]
• Dulwich College Beijing China 6/2 review 15
Hopefully this is a blip in a short but strong history… [791 words]
• Shenzhen College of International Education China 6/2 review 6
I don’t really want to leave… [288 words]
• Kazakhstan International m8bet mobile version Kazakhstan 6/1 review 14
Morale is not good at the m8bet mobile version… [2,602 words]
• Swiss International Scientific m8bet mobile version Dubai UAE 6/1 review 7
I’ve often ignored ISR reviews at my peril… [921 words]
• Swiss International Scientific m8bet mobile version Dubai UAE 6/1 review 8
SISD has become a viper’s nest… [476 words]
• Internationale Schule am Rhein Germany 6/1 review 23
Rebuttal to review 22 by m8bet mobile version… [566 words]
• Internationale Schule am Rhein Germany 6/1 review 24
My experience contrasts with the previous poster… [570 words]