New m8bet Mobile app Reviews
• St. Constantine’s International m8bet Mobile app Tanzania 8/31 evaluation 5
Top down administration. Very negative atmosphere among staff…
• Greengates m8bet Mobile app Mexico 8/31 evaluation 24
Our third week of m8bet Mobile app and the bus transport to and from m8bet Mobile app which was promised to teachers has still not materialised…
• Colegio Jorge Washington Cartagena Colombia 8/30 evaluation 4
Cartagena is a tourist town so cost of living is high and often times housing allowance is not enough to cover rent let alone utilities…
• Skagerak International m8bet Mobile app Norway 8/30 evaluation 2
Skagerak is a lovely m8bet Mobile app to work at, with challenges of course…
• American International m8bet Mobile app Cairo Egypt 8/30 evaluation 44
There is professional development but 2 years of PD allowance will not pay for one course with accommodation…
• Orchlon International m8bet Mobile app Mongolia 8/29 evaluation 3
You will find yourself frustrated at feeling like you’ve stepped into a time machine, into prevailing outdated philosophies and attitudes…
• British m8bet Mobile app Bahrain 8/29 evaluation 13Rubric Only
• British m8bet Mobile app Kathmandu Nepal 8/26 evaluation 5
The m8bet Mobile app swims in policy documents and ticks boxes yet it still has awful staff satisfaction…
• Lincoln International m8bet Mobile app Argentina 8/26 evaluation 9
I loved my time in Argentina and at Lincoln…
• Emirates National m8bet Mobile app Al Ain UAE 8/26 evaluation 17
There is a reason they pay what they do, because of the way people are treated…
• Magen David Academy Panama 8/26 evaluation 3
The m8bet Mobile app has hope but it will take a major change in leadership from the top down to bring it back to its glory days…
• Matrix International m8bet Mobile app Malaysia 8/25 evaluation 4
If you are prepared to do as you’re told and put your educational beliefs to one side, then this is the ideal m8bet Mobile app…
• The International m8bet Mobile app Macao China 8/25 evaluation 16
I have taught for over 30 years and TIS is the best m8bet Mobile app I have ever taught at…
• Jakarta Intercultural m8bet Mobile app Indonesia 8/25 evaluation 14
The m8bet Mobile app has good infrastructure, pays on time and reasonably well and it’s administration will largely leave you to do your own thing…
• Internationale Schule am Rhein Germany 8/24 evaluation 8
I was required to attend two weeks of orientation. This involved learning the SABIS system of teaching, as well as m8bet Mobile app procedures…
• American Creativity Academy Kuwait 8/24 evaluation 36
Hindsight 20/20 has put a lot of my experiences in prospective and helped with figuring why certain events occurred…
• Nile Valley m8bet Mobile app Sudan 8/24 evaluation 2
Everyone does their own thing, which is little of nothing. It is too bad that the students are not given a good education because they are hungry to learn…
• International m8bet Mobile app Seychelles 8/23 First time reviewed on ISR
• Halcyon London International m8bet Mobile app Great Britain 8/23 First time reviewed on ISR
• Qatar Canadian m8bet Mobile app 8/23 evaluation 13
The m8bet Mobile app has now officially been taken over by Blyth Academy…
• Korea International m8bet Mobile app Jeju Campus 8/23 evaluation 11
The m8bet Mobile app does have some positives but those have mostly to do with the community and not the m8bet Mobile app itself…
• British m8bet Mobile app Bahrain 8/22 evaluation 12-1
It wasn’t me that wrote review #12…
• Nanshan Chinese Int’l College China 8/22 evaluation 2
Little is said about the tax that occurs on everything at the m8bet Mobile app when you are being interviewed. Even the red packet you receive at CNY is taxed 25%…
• Ruamrudee Int’l m8bet Mobile app Bangkok Thailand 8/22 evaluation 49
An admin suggested I make a public apology to a student because I caused them to “lose face” by noticing her assignment was identical to…
• American Academy Casablanca Morocco 8/22 evaluation 11
Morocco is amazing. Weekends are great to see the amazing country and its people. Moroccans are wonderful…
• American Creativity Academy Kuwait 8/19 evaluation 35
The m8bet Mobile app is clean but it is not fancy…
• Wuxi Taihu International m8bet Mobile app China 8/19 evaluation 5
Things looked brighter and people could foreseeing an amazing m8bet Mobile app coming because of the new investors, however, the m8bet Mobile app has turned into a circus…
• British m8bet Mobile app Kathmandu Nepal 8/18 evaluation 4
Kathmandu was not always easy but I thought the m8bet Mobile app went way beyond the normal call of duty to keep us informed, safe and happy…
• Fairview International m8bet Mobile app Malaysia 8/18 evaluation 8
Many teachers simply run away & are replaced by the next group who believed the lies about training and getting a masters degree through the m8bet Mobile app…
• International m8bet Mobile app Myanmar 8/18 evaluation 28
The salary is great for Myanmar. As a teaching couple you can live well, travel, and still save 15 or 20k each per year…
• American International m8bet Mobile app Cyprus 8/18 evaluation 11
I worked harder at AISC than any other m8bet Mobile app in my lengthy international career…
• Buena Vista Concordia Int’l m8bet Mobile app China 8/17
First time reviewed on ISR
• Nansha College Preparatory Academy China 8/17 evaluation 9
Overall, there were many more positives than negatives, but the negatives were big ones. A great m8bet Mobile app with tons of potential…
• Dukhan English m8bet Mobile app Doha Qatar 8/17 evaluation 12
When I first started at the m8bet Mobile app it was a breath of fresh air, unfortunately people turned up and tried to transform it into something it didn’t need to be…
• World Academy Tirana Albania 8/16 evaluation 4
Nicest people you will ever work with. Tirana is fantastic. 25 minutes to beach, great cheap restaurants, good wine, friendly people…
• Lyford Cay International m8bet Mobile app Bahamas 8/16 evaluation 6
We worked here for 7 years as a teaching couple. Very generous PD budget from my perspective. Nice students. Supportive parents…
• GEMS Sheikh Zayed Private Academy UAE 8/16 evaluation 6
Students often seen throwing garbage at the cleaners’ feet rather than putting it in the bin themselves…
• Heritage Private m8bet Mobile app Cyprus 8/16 evaluation 5
Behaviour of most children is better than state schools in the UK and the climate is quite nice…
• Victoria Int’l m8bet Mobile app Sharjah UAE 8/15 evaluation 11
It’s hard to imagine a worse run m8bet Mobile app than VISS, but it will be getting worse in the academic year starting August 2016…
• Int’l m8bet Mobile app Bangkok Thailand 8/15 evaluation 7
The m8bet Mobile app isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty great in lots of ways…
• Changchun American Int’l m8bet Mobile app China 8/15 evaluation 11
One of the hardest parts of working in this m8bet Mobile app is the lack of thanks that comes with accepting a role here…
• British m8bet Mobile app Caracas Venezuela 8/15 evaluation 12
The culture of the m8bet Mobile app is one of openness and transparency…
• Cambridge Int’l Centre DaQing No.1 China 8/12 evaluation 6
You will work like a cow. Foreign teachers never stay long…
• British m8bet Mobile app Bahrain 8/12 evaluation 12
I did interview staff to replace the teachers leaving in my department. Most of them declined after an offer was made…
• St. Joseph’s Institution International Singapore 8/11 evaluation 4
A m8bet Mobile app with very good, well motivated students…
• British m8bet Mobile app Beijing Shunyi Campus China 8/11 evaluation 6
I really enjoyed my time there. The kids are great. It was the pollution that drove me away…
• Heritage Private m8bet Mobile app Cyprus 8/11 evaluation 4
It would have the potential to be a an excellent international m8bet Mobile app, but it has quite a high turn over of staff…
• Cambridge International Curriculum Centre Beijing China 8/11 evaluation 3
Not a bad m8bet Mobile app to work at for teachers looking to gain some experience teaching in China…
• Guangdong Country Garden m8bet Mobile app China 8/10 evaluation 15
Stated in our contracts we were given 10 sick days/year, then we found out we must ask for permission one day in advance if we needed to use a sick day…
• Nord Anglia Intl m8bet Mobile app Pudong China 8/10 evaluation 11
The employment engagement survey results were overwhelmingly negative and simply brushed under the carpet…
• Modern English m8bet Mobile app Egypt 8/10 evaluation 22
Teaching resources and budgets are not really adequate to maintain international standards…
• Guangdong Country Garden m8bet Mobile app China 8/9 evaluation 14
The m8bet Mobile app does nothing to help and provide comfort for new teachers. It is crazy how bad they are at supporting teachers in a new country…
• Kuwait National English m8bet Mobile app Kuwait 8/9 evaluation 14
If you accept a job here, know that the students are all ESL so read up on teaching ESL students – it will benefit you…
• TASIS The American m8bet Mobile app in England 8/9 evaluation 3
There doesn’t seem to be a set curriculum and also there is no collaboration among teachers…
• Aldar Academies UAE 8/9 evaluation 5
Beware of the contract, at the end it says very clearly the company has the right to change this contract, so in the end the contract is non- existent…
• KL International m8bet Mobile app Chengdu Bashu China 8/8
First time reviewed on ISR
• American International m8bet Mobile app Guangzhou China 8/8 evaluation 17
AISG was a great m8bet Mobile app to be at. The pay, lifestyle, and m8bet Mobile app culture were all above average…
• Busan International Foreign m8bet Mobile app Korea 8/8 evaluation 13
The overall salary and benefits package is very good and I saved approximately 20,000 USD each year as a single teacher…
• Bahrain Bayan m8bet Mobile app Bahrain 8/8 evaluation 6
The spirit of the staff was deflated and we were not proud to work for this m8bet Mobile app…
• EtonHouse Int’l Preschool Chengdu China 8/5
First time reviewed on ISR
• Guangdong Country Garden m8bet Mobile app China 8/5 evaluation 13
If you decide to accept a position, you will learn the true meaning of the phrase “money doesn’t buy happiness” very quickly…
• Myanmar International m8bet Mobile app Myanmar 8/5 evaluation 6
The m8bet Mobile app has been steadily growing and improving…
• American International m8bet Mobile app Niamey Niger 8/5 evaluation 5
Spending two years here was a wonderful experience for me, though it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea…
• Keystone Academy China 8/4 First time reviewed on ISR
• World Academy Tirana Albania 8/4 evaluation 3
The package that the m8bet Mobile app offers you is very basic. Not all teachers are paid according to their education and experience…
• European Azerbaijan m8bet Mobile appAzerbaijan8/4 evaluation 3
Simply changing and moving personnel around is not the cure for what ails this m8bet Mobile app…
• Guangdong Country Garden m8bet Mobile app China 8/3 evaluation 12
They broke their WRITTEN hiring commitment given during the Search Associates fair of Bangkok 2016 (Spring)…
• Access International Academy Ningbo China 8/3 evaluation 33
Play the game, massage a few egos, pretend you love it and you’ll do well here…
• Al Sahwa Schools Oman 8/3 evaluation 17
Expect your planning to be scrutinized on a daily basis by multiple (yes, multiple) members of the middle management…
• Stamford American International m8bet Mobile app Singapore 8/3 evaluation 19
The m8bet Mobile app leaks its best teachers…
• British m8bet Mobile app Kathmandu Nepal 8/2 evaluation 3
Physical condition of m8bet Mobile app is one of disarray. Much of the mold & mildew in some classrooms was simply painted over…
• European Azerbaijan m8bet Mobile app Azerbaijan 8/2 evaluation 2
The m8bet Mobile app spends a good deal on teacher training. The m8bet Mobile app is growing and many changes have occurred in the last year and a half…
• Myanmar Internat’l m8bet Mobile app Yangon Myanmar 8/1
First time reviewed on ISR