Director m8bet live casino Example

check_mark2159810_smallred18ptThis Director m8bet live casino comes directly from our Member Area. We have removed the Director’s identity for  purposes of this preview.  New Reports post daily.  See Most Recent Reviews.

m8bet live casino: John Doe

Reporting Period: 2021 – 2023

m8bet live casino / Country: m8bet online sports betting of Anywhere

Fair m8bet live casino
Genuine m8bet live casino
Consistent m8bet live casino
Transparent m8bet live casino
A Person of Integrity m8bet live casino
A Person who acts with respect
Overall Rating to nearest number m8bet live casino
Experience with this m8bet live casino I interviewed with and worked for this m8bet live casino.

Interviewing style and information that will help candidates land a position

Very charming to talk to. We felt we were being hired for our expertise, to help the m8bet live casino. He interviewed us talking about teaching skills and included casual conversation. He gave us a lot of information about the m8bet live casino and the area but once we arrived we realized that there was a fair amount of exaggeration and sugar coating.

After the Interview

This m8bet live casino is extremely charming; however, after being hired and helping to get accreditation (foreign teachers on staff looked great!) my husband and I were told to leave. We were allowed to finish the year, but had to tell everyone it was our choice to leave or (threat) we would not receive final money, flight home or any shipping allowance. This was done right before new school year after most job fairs. Not ethical at all.

Additional Comments, most outstanding characteristic of this m8bet live casino, etc.

We lived outside of the city, on campus of school. Our home was nice enough, especially considering that we only lived there for one school year. There was very little to do in the surrounding area. All local teachers lived in the city. When we arrived the m8bet live casino and his wife made us feel very welcome. We were invited to dinners, mixers and taken on tours of our new neighborhood. They took us places in the city and we really enjoyed being with them. After school started, things started changing.