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m8bet online casino games Survival Notes & Other Curious Observations

Monthly m8bet online casino games Column by Paul W. Gioffi
Edition 15

Disclaimer:While m8bet online casino games can be exciting and rewarding there are unforeseen dangers that may arise. The Information presented in Paul’s articles is the author’s personal opinion and what may have worked for him yesterday may not work for someone else today or tomorrow. Therefore, you agree to use any and all information provided by the author at your own risk and agree that you will hold the author and ISR harmless in regard to any and all instances that may arise or result from use of this material.

Following, you’ll find m8bet online casino games tip 36 from Paul W. Gioffi. To read the introduction to this column which began in February of 2006 please seeEdition 1.To access other previous editions please see theIndex.

Entry 36: Yes, I’m Still Here

To put it bluntly, being a pain in the ass will sometimes get m8bet online casino games what m8bet online casino games need. I’m not talking about picking fist fights, making prank telephone calls or jumping into the bushes after ringing someone’s doorbell. It means being diligent, persistent and unwavering when trying to put closure to items in your daily schedule, sometimes almost to the point of what some might consider rude. In my opinion, it isn’t being rude, it’s holding true to expectations, standards and the truth. Therein lay the problem. Being a North American, I was raised with certain expectations, standards and truths – all of which I’ve learned can be quite relative particularly when traveling in the third world. At first, I brought all of my standards with me like carry-on luggage wondering why others let things happen in such a sloppy and inefficient manner. I came to realize that adjustments must be made if one is to avoid a nervous breakdown. In some cultures, time is relative, the truth is mutable and public services are seasonal. I’ve found that many public and private service representatives, even in North America, would rather ignore m8bet online casino games than perform their function as they should (that’s from a cynical optimist’s point of view). Particularly in the third world, I’ve learned that there are masses of people who are in a socioeconomic station that does not permit upward mobility. I suspect that they may ask themselves why they should try harder? Why expend the extra energy to help out me, a foreigner, someone they don’t even know? I can appreciate the Chinese concept of wu wei, or taking no purposeful action but, in some instances I’ve found that taking action, sometimes to the point of a restraining order (that’s a joke), is necessary. Adjustments are fine but do not allow someone to take advantage of your principles or good nature. No, I’m not going to be put on hold for thirty minutes or call back later. No, I don’t believe m8bet online casino games when m8bet online casino games tell me, for the third time, that it will be ready by Friday. No, that’s not a valid restriction for someone holding a paper airline ticket. Yes, I am going to continue to harass m8bet online casino games until m8bet online casino games tell me the truth, keep your word, do your job and provide me with the service that m8bet online casino games should be providing. Assimilate, adjust, have patience. Don’t, however, let people take advantage of m8bet online casino games especially when the clock is ticking. Just ask them to be lazy and forgetful after m8bet online casino games leave.

m8bet online casino gamesI hope you have enjoyed this month’s edition of Well-Weathered m8bet online casino games Survival Notes & Other Curious Observations. Check back next month for a new entry. Until then, safe travels.
Contact me at Well_Weathered@yahoo.com

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