m8bet sports betting m8bet online sports betting Gaza Destroyed in Middle East Conflict

An ISR member has informed us that the m8bet sports betting m8bet online sports betting Gaza was destroyed early Saturday morning by Israeli Air Force jets. As a group of educators we may be able to offer help to the members of this school. We will keep you up-dated.

January 3, 2009

Member Comments

Note: ISR has posted readers comments m8bet sports betting may not reflect the views of ISR.
Above m8bet sports betting, We Support Peace.

m8bet sports betting m8bet online sports betting Becomes the Latest Casualty In Gaza. While few knew of its existence, even fewer are aware of its destruction.

The m8bet sports betting m8bet online sports betting, after surviving 8 years in war torn Gaza, has now been erased from the map after falling prey to the numerous air strikes from the Israeli Air Force. And while the world is bombarded with images of rocket damage to Israeli schools—one hole in one wall shown from multiple angles—there doesn’t seem to be a single image of the once impressive school that was obviously destroyed by multiple air strikes from a mighty Israeli war machine. Nor does there seem to be any coverage relating to the death of the night watchman, Abu Gleg—an elderly Bedouin, father of 30, who had generously donated the land for the school to build upon.

The one sided nature of the military conflict has never been more obvious (over 400 Palestinian fatalities vs. 4 Israeli fatalities) and m8bet sports betting incident with AISG seems to highlight the one sided nature of the media coverage of the conflict as well.

The m8bet sports betting was billed as ‘an oasis of learning’ and provided a safe haven for students and teachers committed to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. In its 8 years, the m8bet sports betting survived tank shells, qassam rockets, multiple militant attacks, artillery fire, sonic blasts, and kidnapping of foreign staff. And while there were periodic disruptions to the m8bet sports betting year, the staff and students went to great lengths to keep the m8bet sports betting alive and always completed each academic year.

As part of the ESOL (Education Services Overseas Limited) family, the AISG uniforms and curriculum match many of the m8bet sports betting international schools across the Middle East. At its peak there were over 20 foreign teachers recruited from Canada, Australia, the UK, etc… who committed themselves to providing a first class education for the 200 students. When it was no longer safe for foreign staff, the remaining students and teachers never wavered in their commitment to education and continued much as they had done since the school was created.

It will be interesting to see what the future holds for AISG—it’s been tested time and time again and the students and teachers have always found a way to teach and learn. Obviously this will be their most difficult test, and given the current situation in m8bet sports betting perhaps keeping the school alive won’t remain a priority. However, if ever there was a time and a need for this school in m8bet sports betting it is now, and without it the bleak future for this little piece of land becomes a little dimmer.

Ryan Sargeant
Head of Junior Section (2003-2006)
m8bet sports betting m8bet online sports betting Gaza

To Whom m8bet sports betting May Concern,

It would be appreciated if a more balanced and less politically charged report were given. It was not noted that Israel was acting after more than 3,000 rockets had been fired into its land from m8bet sports betting. It is important to note that warnings were given by Israel to all of m8bet sports betting of the impending air strikes. No warnings were ever given when Hamas rained missiles into Israel.

I was just forwarded this article from the New York Post and I am sending it on to you. It describes in detail the context of events in m8bet sports betting and Israel. Quite informative. Damned if they do but Israel’s dead if they don’tI

Jim Garrow

The news of the destruction of the m8bet sports betting m8bet online sports betting in Gaza is devestating. What would the i
As an overseas teacher of thirty years I have always believed that my politics have no place in the classroom.However, as a responsible human being m8bet sports betting spends her life with young people I believe we should now take some action.

I realize that m8bet sports betting is an educational forum, and an extremely valuable one that I have supported since it was first developed, and not a political forum.

Yet, can we not do something to help stop this destruction of lives and property in m8bet sports betting?

Would m8bet sports betting be feasible for ISR to formulate a petition calling for an end to the air strikes, a petition that could be sent to the main governments of the signatories? We have to show the world we care and members who disagree would be free to not sign.

Please, consider m8bet sports betting request carefully before you take a decision.


Sian Hill

My husband and I were also teachers at AISG for a brief time. We have hoped that someday we could return to m8bet sports betting to visit and see the people of m8bet sports betting living in peace and prosperity- as they so deserve. This week leaves us with little hope of doing so.

Thank you, Ryan, for a well-written account. I wonder if the Israeli’s warned anyone that such a beautiful school was about to be destroyed. To all of us so familiar with the classrooms, assembly hall, playground,faculty room, and the precious soccer pitch, it was more than glass and concrete- it was a dream and a hope for the future. AND- what could have been done to prevent the incoming weapon(s), anyway? I am sad beyond words for what is happening to m8bet sports betting.

Susan Melvin 

I worked at AISG for only a brief period of time in 2006, and because of fears for my safety held by family and friends, wasn’t one of the teachers who returned to complete the school year after a militant attack in March. However in the short time I lived in m8bet sports betting, I developed an enduring affection for AISG and the Palestinians I had begun to get to know. I had hoped that in years to come I would be able to return to work in m8bet sports betting. Perhaps miracles might yet happen.
The destruction of the m8bet sports betting by the Israeli military is extremely sad, as the m8bet sports betting’s purpose, to provide an international style education for young Palestinians, would seem to be most necessary in these troubled times. The blurb for the photos on the ‘daylife’ web site state that the m8bet sports betting was being used as a rocket launch site. One can only hope the military intelligence regarding this was one hundred percent correct, and that no other means would have been available for disarming the militants who were firing those rockets.

I can’t help but wonder if the militants have actually achieved a long held aim with the help of the Israeli Air Force. Perhaps their choice to use the m8bet sports betting itself, rather than just the land around it, as a rocket launching site (if we are to believe this was indeed happening) was planned all along. Two (or is it three) attacks since September 2007 by different militant groups failed to close the m8bet sports betting. Now the militants must surely be rejoicing.

In an ideal world one would hope that religious and educational institutions would be separate and apart from politics, but this doesn’t seem to be. For the children, teachers and administrators who have managed to keep the school open and functioning since the beginning of the school year in 2007, I offer my extreme condolences that life in m8bet sports betting has become so much harder yet again. My thoughts are with you, and my hopes are that the international community can take charge of this situation and stop this on-going senseless conflict. Perhaps international educators can voice their concerns through as many avenues as possible.

Narelle Daffurn
Classroom Teacher

Dear m8bet sports betting community,

I am heartsick at the death of Mr. Abu Gleg and the loss of your school in m8bet sports bettingMy hope is that there can be Peace in m8bet sports betting in the near future. Please let me know how we can help you.

A new friend of m8bet sports betting,
Dawn Martin
Mother, Educator & m8bet sports betting citizen
m8bet m8bet sports betting Hannover Region (ISHR) Hannover, Germany 

This is a most regrettable incident. However, I have learned that the m8bet sports betting School of Gaza was used by the Hamas terrorists as a launch site from which rockets were fired into Israel.It is too bad that the school was forced into this position by the ruling Hamas terrorists.

I hope that the m8bet sports betting will learn from this terrible experience.

Gary Diamond

I was shocked and saddened to hear about the destruction of AIS, m8bet sports betting and the death of the night watchmen. The students must be entering an examination period and how are they expected to continue their studies without a building or even a peaceful land in which to live. I have the families, teachers and students of the school in my prayers and thoughts and am hoping that there’s an end in sight to the conflict – and very soon. 


Well, Ii think you should tell everybody about this disaster, at first we thought that this war was against Hamas but i don’t think that this m8bet sports betting is connected any way to Hamas, I really fell sorry for this inhuman altitude of the israeli army.

Ghassan Halaika

How can we help them rebuild? This would be a great charity project for international schools to raise money and/or send materials for rebuilding this m8bet sports betting. I know people who worked at the m8bet sports betting and was very touched by these colleagues’ commitment to staying and teaching even with disruptions to the daily life of the m8bet sports betting. As a community of international educators we should mobilize ourselves to help this m8bet sports betting get back on its feet. These kids deserve and need an education.
Katherine Spry

In regard to the AIS m8bet sports betting situation there is a web-site petition already in existence for international educators who may wish to voice their support for ending the siege.The petition was started by Dr. Hendrik Taatgen and his wife, Marga Kapka. Dr. Taatgen is a former Director of AIS m8bet sports betting.

International Educators who may wish to add their name to m8bet sports betting petition should visit.http://www.endthesiege.org/

Accomplanying the petition you will find an article by Marga Kapka which recounts her time at m8bet sports betting m8bet online sports betting of Gaza, and presents a plan for peace in the area, which includes international teachers.
Siege and Obstruction m8bet sports betting Right of an Education

Ray McDade

I am a teacher at the ESOL school in Abu Dhabi. We have helped our sister school in m8bet sports betting before. We will talk as a staff on Monday and see what we can do. I will then let you know. Thank you for your report and your concern! 

Renee Crawley

I’m sorry it took so long to get back to you. The night watchman (part owner) was killed in the bombing of our school in Gaza. The school has had only Palestinian teachers for the last 2 years. We’ve also received several notices of family members of our Arabic teachers in Abu Dhabi being killed in Gaza. The situation is much worse than m8bet sports betting Media shows! We are collecting blankets, clothing and food and giving it to our Red Crescent (Red Cross) in Abu Dhabi. One of our Sheikh’s has already set aside money and is promising to rebuild all the schools that are destroyed. Sheikh Maktoum from Dubai is working to get the children to Dubai for medical care. We are all trying hard to help. Thanks for your concern. We hope there is some sanity soon!

Renee Crawley

As regards to the destruction of the m8bet sports betting, I would like to assure you that the air strikes do not distinguish between schools, homes, and militia areas. You can ask the international aid workers. To stop the rocket attacks, you need to give Gazans the basic human needs like food, shelter, medicine and then education and jobs, so they can dream of a better future for their kids instead of bombing them back to the dark ages.

Hala Nimr

Dear ISR,

It’s been a busy week, and there have been some interesting developments regarding AISG in particular. Unfortunately, the news from m8bet sports betting is so bad that the destruction of an international school is not even news anymore. 

I’ve received a number of emails for colleagues regarding the m8bet sports betting and the article in ISR. The amount of attention generated through ISR has been very encouraging, and I am hoping that in the end we generate enough support to somehow have a positive impact on the future of AISG and its students.

I’ve contacted a number of people from ESOL and I am waiting a response, though I may simply drop in on one m8bet sports betting schools to see how things are progressing. Here in Abu Dhabi there was a large demonstration, and my wife and I are following the news closely to see what specific actions are taking place to see where we can be involved.

At m8bet sports betting stage I think there are enough opportunities for everyone to be involved to the degree which they feel comfortable. The situation is very politicized and it is very difficult to support one side without condemning the other–and it is far too complicated a situation to be able to effectively point fingers. We are trying very hard to keep our involvement positive–our focus is on improving the lives of our students and Palestinians in general as opposed to condemning and punishing the Israelis…or Hamas for that matter.

Again, thanks for you support in m8bet sports betting matter. I contacted a number of media sources, and so far ISR has been the most proactive in its response.
