Dear Dr. Spilchuk…
August, 2008
How Can I Contribute to the Success of m8bet online sports betting?
Dear Dr. Spilchuk,
It is because I love being in the field of education that I want to contribute to the success of international education. Reading the most recent information on Emirates National School, I realized it is time that I contribute more to increasing awareness regarding the unfortunate situation of some teachers and administrators in overseas m8bet online sports betting. I have the background knowledge and experience now to contribute to the cause of improving teachers and administrators positions in overseas m8bet online sports betting.
I read the articles in TIE and have found it interesting that while TIE acknowledged that there is an enormous expansion of international m8bet online sports betting and they think that finding qualified teachers is difficult, not one article that I have read addressed what I consider to be the underlying cause. I think the underlying cause is the quality of the m8bet online sports betting, their unprofessional treatment of the overseas hires and the fact that they break teachers/administrators contracts. These m8bet online sports betting are simply exploiting teachers and administrators! Many overseas hires feel “deceived” and “fooled” when experiencing the unprofessional practices at these m8bet online sports betting. Emirates National School and unfortunately for me, all the m8bet online sports betting that I have been at in the past are examples of unprofessional m8bet online sports betting. There are just too many m8bet online sports betting on the circuit that are not quality m8bet online sports betting. I understand that salary and the package are a piece of the puzzle as well. However, as I witnessed this year at the school I was at, even some of the teachers who have retired and are traveling have admitted that the unprofessional behavior at the school is not acceptable and have resigned.
Teachers and administrators, however, keep getting “duped” time and again and the m8bet online sports betting continue to hire more teachers and administrators that they dupe again. Of course, we can all read about these dramas as they are played out on ISR. Some of the comments I read in the forum I find to be embarrassing. The reason I find them embarrassing is we are NOT able to stop the “trafficking” of teachers and administrators to these unethical m8bet online sports betting that continuously exploit teachers and administrators. Even when this information is posted on ISR and ISR has a generous readership.
A big part of the problem is that Search, ISS, COIS, UNI, TRI and Teachanywhere are recruiting for many of these m8bet online sports betting that keep “duping” teachers and administrators. When the teacher or administrator complain, then they are blackballed by the recruiting agency. I was shocked this year when I attended the Dubai Search Associate recruitment fair in March, at how many m8bet online sports betting were in attendance that I would consider “not acceptable m8bet online sports betting to work at”. It was an eye opener to read the reviews of some of the m8bet online sports betting at the fair on ISR , after I attended the fair. Yet, this pattern of the recruiting agencies recruiting for unprofessional m8bet online sports betting is continuing, and actually increasing. It is alarming.
I received a request to interview for Emirates National School from a recruiter and I turned down the interview. I received a call from the recruiter wanting to know specifically why I would not interview. I am not going to let a recruiting agency pressure me into interviewing and accepting a position so they can get their commission.
We all know why the recruiting agencies want to support the m8bet online sports betting and not the teachers, but what can be done about m8bet online sports betting at the recruiting fairs that are not quality m8bet online sports betting? The fact that Search, ISS, COIS have not given their input into the Bill of Rights demonstrates which side of the fence they are on. The same goes for ECIS,CIS, NAIS, and NESA. I understand that ISR is a thorn in their side, however, what is something constructive we can do to build a bridge between ISR and these organizations? And/or what can we do to build a bridge to discuss the unethical treatment of teachers/administrators in m8bet online sports betting that these organizations support? The recruiting agencies are ignoring the unprofessional treatment of professional educators in favor of making money.
I noticed that Teachanywhere out of Australia recruits for many m8bet online sports betting and many of them are not quality m8bet online sports betting. The sends out lists and lists of vacancies. Teachers Recruitment International out of Australia is similar. Many Americans don’t know about these recruiting organizations because they are based out of Australia.
Unless we do something about these unethical m8bet online sports betting on the circuit, the professionalism of education overseas is doomed.
Nothing I am saying here is new, I realize. However, what more can I/we do to contribute to the cause of improving teachers and administrators roles in, what is now, a growing population of international m8bet online sports betting that intentionally exploit teachers and administrators?
Good luck presenting your paper at the International Conference On Education, Economy and Society in Paris next week. It is another avenue to get information on m8bet online sports betting out into the public.
If you have any further ideas of how I can be part of the solution to this complex issue, kindly let me know. Contributing information to the forum on m8bet online sports betting and writing articles is just a piece of the puzzle.
Best Wishes,
Concerned Educator
Hello Concerned Educator,
Yes, I do remember you. I was very sorry to have missed meeting with you when it appeared we might be in the same location together for a short period. Perhaps next time?
I believe that the best way for you to become involved in assisting your colleagues, is to become involved in ISR more personally. Your letter, minus your name, is a great step. I’ll make sure to put it on my column so that other teachers can read the specifics you are sharing. We need more teachers like you who are prepared to name names and give details in their letters so that potential teachers reading the information have a specific and clear picture of what they might expect from m8bet online sports betting/recruitment organizations.
We absolutely agree that the quality of international m8bet online sports betting is declining as everyone and anyone jumping into the ‘education for pay international game’ appears to be being accredited . We understand there are situations where a serious warning should be issued to some m8bet online sports betting for failure to comply with m8bet online sports betting standards. We also believe there are situations where accreditation should be removed but has not been.
ISR also has a serious concern about the level of commitment that recruitment organizations show to the teachers they recruit when things go wrong at the m8bet online sports betting they are recruited to. The problem as we see it is that the Recruitment Agencies take money from the teachers and then take money from the m8bet online sports betting. There is a direct conflict of interest in that situation and given this type of scenario, it is easy to understand how the teachers become expendable when balanced against the power of a whole school’s recruitment needs for the agency. The Australian organizations I am not familiar with but you certainly have done an excellent job outlining the issues with these folk for prospective candidates.
Thanks so much for your letter. I’m forwarding it to the Editor m8bet online sports betting as I’m sure he will want to be in touch with you about the possibility of you writing more articles for m8bet online sports betting.
All the best and if I am back in your neck of the woods, we will certainly get together.