Dear Dr. Spilchuk…

September, 2009

Most Difficult Experience of m8bet online live casino!

Dear Dr. Spilchuk,

I wanted to update you on our email conversation of several months ago when I was working at – “name withheld to protect teacher”.

I am now back in the US and returning to m8bet online live casino previous school employer. I am grateful that I have a full-time job in these difficult economic times.

But m8bet online live casino experience at m8bet online live casino overseas school was the most difficult of m8bet online live casino professional career. I thank you for your words of support at a tough time. Things did not measurably improve. I was, however, able to request an amicable resignation from m8bet online live casino year contract. The health insurance coverage offered by the school did not cover medical care I needed. As an American not paying host national taxes, I was not eligible to take advantage of the local public health plan. I hope that you advise any potential international teacher to check, and check again any limitations on the health care available by their school or host country. This was NOT made clear to me when I asked these questions in m8bet online live casino interview with the director at the recruiting fair .

I have written a review on the ISR web site which expresses m8bet online live casino sentiments about m8bet online live casino experience at this school. I am sorry m8bet online live casino review could not have been more positive. In desire for brevity and to not disclose m8bet online live casino identity, I left out so, so many things. But if you have any of our email exchange archived, you may wish to review the emails and refresh your memory about the absolutely atrocious and chilling environment I and many colleagues encountered there. In fact, since I last wrote, the administration sought the ouster of several teachers without due process or respecting contractual rights. So many good people were hurt personally and professionally by this person and his cohort. If I ever get the chance to meet you in person, I would tell you more.

At least I am safe now and away from that situation. Thank you again for your words at a m8bet online live casino time. They meant so much to me.


Glad to be home

Hello Glad to be Home,

And thank you so much for your lovely words. Often I don’t know if m8bet online live casino advice and support has truly been of value to the teacher/administrator who has contacted me unless the situation goes on and on and is finally resolved positively, or colleagues like you let me know that the advice or words of encouragement I’ve given have had a positive effect.

I’m so sorry you had the m8bet online live casino you did. Let me just say, however, that in every m8bet online live casino we have there is always something positive that comes out of it. Everything for a reason….

Tell your story to others; tell it until you don’t need to tell it anymore because you have finally reconciled yourself with the events that occurred. Two, three or four years from now, when you are over the trauma of the initial events and your withdrawal from the situation, you will look back…and the only thing that will remain will be the places you were able to explore, the people you were able to meet who left their footprints on your heart and the growth you experienced as a result of the hardships you suffered.

The people who hurt you and those around you will fade into oblivion where they belong…..

Feel the love,
