Woman writing a review of an international school

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Review 1)
Academic integrity of m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
Effectiveness of administration at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
Academic and disciplinary support provided at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
Director's involvement in academics at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
Fair and equitable treatment by board and director at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS has adequate educational materials on hand
Attitude of local community towards foreigners at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
Cost of living in relation to salary at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
Satisfaction with housing at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
Community offers a variety of activities at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
Availability and quality of local health care at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
Satisfaction with school health insurance policy at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
Family friendly / child friendly school and community at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
Assistance with visas, shipping and air travel at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
Extra curricular load is reasonable at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS
Security and personal safety at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS

I agree wholeheartedly with the above reviews about m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS...

Libya, where m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMS is located, is a stunning country and despite facing many adversities the local people are generally pleasant and polite, I have never...

m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMSitself has so much potential but it is nowhere near reaching it...

m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMShas no real curriculum despite promoting itself as using the National Curriculum, it really is a poor adaptation, there is no leader with British experience so the teachers tend to adapt it to how they see fit, therefore there being no consistency amongst the year levels...

During my time at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMSabout 22 teachers broke contract to leave...most of them without warning...

There is no adequate pay scale at m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMSand it seems different teachers are told different things, there are teachers there with 20 years experience getting paid the same as a...

Under strong leadership m8bet m8bet sports betting Tripoli - GEMScan be brilliant and it will be interesting to see how the new heads rise to the challenge...

International Schools Review

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