Articles & Information

Dr. Spilchuk on International Schools Review
Go to Recruiting Fairs on International Schools Review

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• Guilty Until Proven Innocent  (Qatar Academy teacher Dorje Gurung recounts his time in a Qatari jail)
• Protect Your Career! Recruiters fail to endorse Bill of Rights!!!

Recruiting Oriented Articles

• Would You Hire Me?
• Survey Results: Recruiting Season Round-Up
• Recruiting Season Round-Up
• No Contract? No Deal!

• Recruiting Panic Attack
• How “Fair” are Recruiting Fairs for Expat Teachers?
• Adrift in the Doldrums & Seeking Advice
• DODs May be for You
A Guide for Teachers Who Want to Go International
How Pertinent Are Recruiting Fairs? / Survey
How Recruiting Fairs Fared in Our Survey
• When Recruiting Fairs Give You Lemons
What Should You Ask At an Interview?
• The Accidental International Educator
• Hits & Misses of Skype Recruiting Adventures
What to Believe?
• to Sign on as a Local Hire, or Not?
• Ten Sure Fire Ways to Blow an Interview
• Do ‘No Reviews’ Mean It’s Okay to Go?
• Choosing the Right Recruiting Fair
• Master List of Tier-1 Schools?
• Staffing Problem in Hot Spots
• What Makes a School International?
• The 3 Things YOU Absolutely Must Know Before Signing
• Recruiting Fair Timing for Best Results
• Can I still Find a Teaching Position?
m8bet online casino games• Re-Considering Your Possibilities
• Waiting to Hear Back From Schools
• Be Prepared for Tough Interview Questions
• Recruiting Fair Experiences 2014
• The Art of eMailing School Directors
• Do Buzz Words = Successful Recruiting?
• Skype Your Way to an International Teaching Position
• What Would You Do?
• What Would You Do? – Part 2

• What Would You Do? – Part 3
• “Do You Have Any Questions for US?” asked the Recruiter
• Advice for Landing Overseas Teaching Positions on ISR Forum
• Best & Worst of School Packages

• Recruiting Trends: 2013 & Beyond
• Job Scams Designed to Cheat Teachers
• Up-Front & Personal- a Diary from the Recruiting Fair Front
• The Coveted Letter of Recommendation
• Are International Recruiting Fairs the Place to Get a Job?
• Getting the Most from a Recruiting Fair
• Signed, Sealed & Legal? Is Your Contract Secure?
• Recruiting 101 for Newbies
• Can You Afford to Take This Job?
• Telling Your School Goodbye
• Here’s What Directors Want in a Teacher
• Everything You Want to Know About Recruiting
• Negative School Reviews Can Spell Don’t Go!
• Will Education Legislation Put an End to Teaching
in Indonesia?
Part 1Part 2
• International Teaching Without a Credential?
• What Do You Want in Your Letter of Reference
• End-of-Contract Surprises!
• Recruiting Fairs: A-Z
• My Strangest Interview
• Tips for Career Changers Entering International Teaching
• Can You Negotiate a Higher Salary?
• Recruiting Season Starts Now!
• Trailing Spouse Solutions
• International Teacher Recruiting Agencies (Contact Information)
• Transparent Teachers / Opaque Schools The risky business of recruiting fairs
• Teachers with Foreign Accents Need not Apply
• 10 Questions to Ask a Director If You Suspect Something Isn’t Right
• Directors Who “Bad Mouth” Teachers
• Going Recruiting
• Hot TIPS for Finding an Overseas Teaching Position
• 20 Questions Candidates May Want to Ask
• The Continued Importance of Research Before Making a Commitment
• Basic Questions to Ask Directors When You Interview
• Predicting Upcoming Recruiting Fairs 2009 – 2010

Over 50 & Overseas

Families Overseas

Moving & Living Overseas

• Compromise: The Key to Success Overseas
• Would You Still Teach in Western Europe?

• Rate Alcohol Use @ Your School on Our Drink-o-meter 

• How Will the U.S. Elections Affect International Educators?
• Get Ready to Move Overseas

m8bet Mobile app• How Will You Spend Thanksgiving?
• But…is it a healthy place to live?
• Going International with Health Issues
• Random Acts of Kindness
• Why I Went & Stayed Overseas
• De-Stressing @ a New School
• Is America Safe for International Educators?
• Are You Cut Out for This? 
• I’m Not Cut Out for THIS!
• What Condition Is Your Condition In?
• Are You a Teacher or a Traveler First?
• Schools in Dangerous Locales
• What Would it Take?
• Your Health & Well being Overseas by Overseas Counseling Service
• From Agony to Ecstasy
• Transportation in Your New Location
• Your School’s Housing Policy Could Reveal More than Meets the Eye
• Single Overseas & Looking
• How International Teaching Changes You
• Home for the Holidays
• Does Teaching Overseas Help or Hurt Your Career?
• When Safety Comes First
• What to do with Foreign Earned Income
• What’s the International Life Style Really Like? 
Asia | Africa | Europe | The Americas Middle East
• To Yard Sale or Not
• Cultural Dissonance or The Fatal Faux Pas
• Being Sick of Home is Hard to Cure
• Peccadilloes & Other Innocent Transgressions
• Medical Tourism for International Educators
• Has the Boat Already Sailed?
• Nervous About Your First Time?
• Can I Really Live on This Salary
• Don’t Get Burnt with International Shipping
• Making Yourself at Home 
• What to Leave Behind? What to Take?
• Swim Suit Edition 2012 – Top Tropical Vacations by Teachers Overseas
• OoOPs!! The Departure & Arrival Misadventures of an International Teacher
• Just for FUN – The Best Food, Drink etc, You’ve Had Overseas
• Staying Clear of the US Tax Man
• You’re Under Arrest – Now What?
• Earning Your Doctorate From a Remote Location
• HookUps & BreakUps Taking Relationships Overseas
• The Key to Managing Your Finances From Overseas
• Happiness Revealed
• Should You Buy a Car Overseas? The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, & the Crazies – Part 1
• Still on the Fence About International Teaching?
• How to Buy a Good Car Overseas? The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, & the Crazies – Part 2
• After the Holidays I Don’t Want to go Back
• International Teachers are Not Educational Revolutionaries
• Cooks, Drivers and Nannys – Oh My!
• Alternative Lifestyles Overseas
• Returning or Moving On – Your Must-Do List
• Going International With Pets
• Changes in Latitude Changes in Attitude
• Our Family is Not So Happy About Us Leaving to Teach Overseas

Teaching Related Articles

• Country-Native Directors & Principals
• Is a Sense of Entitlement Hurting International Students? 

• Is Inclusion More Than Just a Buzz Word @ Your School?

• Wanted: Your Opinion of IS Classroom Mgmt/Discipline

• Big-Time Teacher Salute from Former International School Student

• If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now
• What’s in a School Name?
• How Long is Too Long at One School
• Personality Conflict with a Director?
• Top 10 List of Things I’ve Learned by Teaching Overseas
• 1 Thing You Would Change About Your School
• Read Making Lemonade at a Lemon of a School
• How Supportive of Special m8bet sports bettingNeeds Students is Your School?
• Can We Help the World by Teaching ‘Entitled’ Kids?
• Best Schools For Professional Development
• For-Profit vs Non-Profit Schools
• Really? A Web Site to Evaluate International Teachers?
Six-Word Memoir – International Teaching Distilled into 6 words
• Is Teaching Abroad Right for Me as a New Teacher?
• Would You Sacrifice Your Overseas Career?
• Teaching Lord Fauntleroy
• Do Meaningless Mission Statements = Poor Schools?
• Schools with High Savings Potential
• Laid-off Public School Teachers May Flood the Fairs
• Host National VS Foreign Hire: Is One Better for the Position of Administrator?
• Working in International Schools – a Good Career Move?
• How do International Educators See Their Careers
• Here are the Dos & here are the Don’ts of Successful International School Directors
My Favorite International Teacher Blog
• Educating for an Unknown Future
• What Was Your Ah-Ha Moment?
• Does Size Matter? Small School vs. Big School
• How the Principal Affects Your Overseas Experience
• The Fear Factor – International Teaching in an Unsafe World
• Warning Signs that Tell You Not to Take the Job
• WhatEducators are Saying About the Fear Factor
• De-Stressing @ a New School
• From Public School Teacher to International Educator
• International Teaching – A Career or An Adventure?
• The Sticky Situation of Discipline
• What Makes an International School a Tier-1 School?
• How to Survive a Bad Administration
• I’m Ready to Run (from this school)
• Can You Afford to Teach Overseas? Survey Results
• Outstanding Moments in International Teaching
• Contract Satisfaction Survey Results
• A Perfect International School?
• International Teaching: A Word of Advice

Going Home & Summer Vacations