July Additions To ISR

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New School Reviews

m8bet Mobile appDavid Cardenas 7/29 First time reviewed on ISR
Hisar School Turkey
Beijing National Day School China 7/30 evaluation 3
School consistently misrepresents itself in order to fill positions. it’s “no,” even if they verbally say “yes”…
Access International Academy Ningbo China 7/30 evaluation 29 
It took me a year to get this mephitic place and its paymasters out of my system…
International Bilingual School Hsinchu Taiwan 7/30 evaluation 7 
Little coherence, things don’t make sense, teachers feel unsupported. A revolving door of teachers…
International American School Warsaw Poland 7/29 First time reviewed on ISR 
The International School Azerbaijan 7/29 evaluation 13 
Traveling in & out of country can be difficult-or even impossible. Residence cards have difficult to get…
m8bet online sports bettingWilliam Bradley 7/28 First time reviewed on ISR 
British International School Istanbul Turkey
Al Worood Academy Private School UAE 7/28 First time reviewed on ISR  
Advance Generations Schools Jeddah Saudi Arabia 7/28 evaluation 3 
Shiny and lovely as you walk in. Teaching resources truly amazing. Students are fun & keen to learn…
Northbridge International School Cambodia 7/28 evaluation 16 
Keep in mind any previous information or review is no longer entirely valid because of the new owners…
m8bet sports bettingJane Krader 7/27 (report 3)
Beijing International Bilngual Academy China
American International School Guangzhou China 7/27 evaluation 15 
Overall, a great school. Yes, there are bumps to be felt & glitches here & there, but no school is perfect…
m8bet online casino gamesDoddie Ballard 7/24 First time reviewed on ISR 
Modern English School Egypt
m8bet mobile loginDavid Hicks 7/24 (report 3)
Emirates International School Jumeirah UAE
m8bet Mobile appRichard Sidharta 7/24 First time reviewed on ISR 
Beacon Academy Indonesia
English Playgroup and Primary School Kuwait 7/24 evaluation 6 
Resources plentiful & substantial improvements in the last few years. Management generally supportive…
Al Khor International School Qatar 7/24 evaluation 58
m8bet Mobile appElsewhere in the world they would face a constructive dismissal suit which they would loose hand down…
Emirates International School Jumeirah UAE 7/24 evaluation 11 
Cited reasons for turnover by departing staff: Poor pay/housing, dislike of admin, poor curriculum support…
English Playgroup and Primary School Kuwait 7/23 evaluation 5 
Our teachers thoroughly enjoy working with the children and the majority are returning for the next year….
Chapel School Brazil 7/23 evaluation 3
We found out who our new Head was through our students, who heard it from students at another school…
MEF International School Istanbul Turkey 7/23 evaluation 17 
I worked there for three years and had an enjoyable time overall…
Doha British School Qatar 7/22 evaluation 5
They called the teacher maid & snapped their fingers, saying bring me chapatti (she’s Indian-Australian)…
Renaissance International School Vietnam 7/22 evaluation 19 
It is that time of the year where those of us departing are able to have an opinion without fear of reprisal…
International School Ho Chi Minh City American Academy 7/22 First time reviewed on ISR
Sri KDU International School Malaysia 7/22 evaluation 12 
I will start with the positive points for Sri KDU. It’s very easy to start with the negatives!…
English Playgroup and Primary School Kuwait 7/22 evaluation 4
Curriculum is of a very high quality and gives teachers the satisfaction of accomplishment…
Stuart Bridge 7/21 (report 2)
Dulwich College Suzhou China
Jane Krader 7/21 (report 2)
Beijing International Bilingual Academy China
Mark Bedford 7/21 First time reviewed on ISR
Rasami British International School Thailand
Rasami British International School Thailand 7/21 evaluation 2 
Rasami has become one of the leading schools in Bangkok under the leadership of…
Dulwich College Suzhou China 7/21 evaluation 2
Aa few additional points that may have helped me decide to come or not, had there been reviews when…
American International School Cape Town South Africa 7/21 evaluation 5
Package not comparable to other places but for a ‘working vacation’…
Jane Krader 7/20 First time reviewed on ISR
Beijing International Bilngual Academy China
Larry Molacek 7/20 (report 13)
Surabaya Intercultural School Indonesia
European International School Vietnam 7/20 evaluation 3 
There is no salary scale and payment is unjustified. This causes negative energy within the school…
American School Kuwait 7/20 evaluation 45
I’m leaving ASK satisfied with the experience and nearly $40,000 in savings…
Beijing International Bilingual Academy China 7/20 evaluation 13 
I have had students in m8bet online sports bettingsecondary whose English is the same as first and second graders…
Grace Kerscher 7/17 First time reviewed on ISR
American Cooperative School La Paz Bolivia
Craig Selig 7/17 (report 2)
American Cooperative School La Paz Bolivia
Compass International School Al-Khor Qatar 7/17 First time reviewed on ISR
International School Brescia Italy 7/17 First time reviewed on ISR
Qatar Academy Sidra Doha Qatar 7/17 First time reviewed on ISR
American Cooperative School La Paz Bolivia 7/17 evaluation 3
Once you’re used to the altitude (13,000 ft.) it’s easy to settle into La Paz. Pretty campus, beautiful views…
American School Marrakesh Morocco 7/17 evaluation 17
Curriculum: There is an actual one now! We wrote it over the last few years. ASM uses Atlas Rubicon…
American International School Guangzhou China 7/17 evaluation 14 
We lived through the years of the ‘hidden agenda,” then the clear vision, & now complete lack of vision…
Beijing International Bilingual Academy China 7/17 evaluation 12 
You will be tested, burned and hopefully come out the other side in a better place…
Seoul International School Korea 7/17 evaluation 33
Great school if you like living in the same building, working with colleagues & hanging out with them 24/7…
Vietnam Australia International School 7/16 evaluation 9 
Given the number of top administrators who have resigned or been forced to resign, one cannot help but…
British School Lome Togo 7/16 evaluation 13
As another reviewer has commented, do your research. Togo is a beautiful place. The school…
Excelsior International School Malaysia 7/15 evaluation 7 
At a meeting earlier this academic year, the management insisted negative reviews on this web site…
UlLink College of Suzhou Industrial Park China 7/15 First time reviewed on ISR  
Bedriyah Itani 7/14 (report 4)
Qatar Academy Al Wakra Qatar
Shenzhen Yaohua Experimental School China 7/14 First time reviewed on ISR
Escaan International School Spain 7/14 evaluation 2 
Physical condition and cosmetics of ESCAAN look great but the educational substance is horrifying…
Dukhan English School Doha Qatar 7/14 evaluation 4 
Was a happy school. Last academic year has seen a change with 20+teachers not being renewed…
Atlanta International School US 7/14 evaluation 4 
Teachers share rooms & have no separate office so they’re working in back of another teacher’s class…
Shanghai Community International School China 7/14 evaluation 28 
Teachers are treated as professionals and you will not be micro managed. m8bet online casino gamesThe admin. is very supportive…
Ron Wilder 7/13 (report 6)
SMIC Private School Shanghai China
 Mary Ostrosky 7/13 First time reviewed on ISR
Magen David Academy Panama
Magen David Academy Panama 7/13 evaluation 2 
Overall the pay is low compared to international standards, over half the staff are paid…
Santa Cruz Cooperative School Bolivia 7/13 evaluation 7 
If you have a college degree & never experienced being treated like a day laborer, this s the place to come…
Emirates National School Al Ain UAE 7/13 evaluation 15 
The boys section has loads of disciplinary issues whereas the girls have lots of drama…
St. John Mary International School Thailand 7/13 evaluation 6 
All you have to do is read the most current WASC Report to see that of the six recommendations…
Canadian International School Hong Kong 7/13 evaluation 11
A comprehensive web site by students & alumni explaining their concerns http://studentalumniforum.com
Marymount International School Italy 7/13 evaluation 7
If you can get past all of this then your experience will be completely golden…
Christian Academy in Japan 7/13 evaluation 2
The only downside perhaps is a certain clique mentality amongst some of members of the various missions…
Maria Sweeney 7/10 First time reviewed on ISR
Marymount International School Rome Italy
Carla Winkelmann 7/10 First time reviewed on ISR 
Chapael School Brazil 
NG Boon Yew 7/10 First time reviewed on ISR
Excelsior International School Malaysia
Gyeonggi Global School Korea 7/10 First time reviewed on ISR
International Community School Bangkok Thailand 7/10 evaluation 5 
Overall, the school is fine, with a few concerns that kept me from staying on…
Beijing International Bilingual Academy China 7/10 evaluation 11 
As long as you accept the fact that BIBA is not International any more in any way…
SMIC Private School Shanghai China 7/10 evaluation 6 
Teachers can not us Google Apps for education, YouTube clips, or banned/uncensored books…
iCAN British International School Cambodia 7/10 evaluation 7 
Management, decision making etc, incredibly frustrating however I still loved my time teaching there…
English Playgroup and Primary School Kuwait 7/10 evaluation 3
To sum it up, the school is falling apart and would fail health and safety checks…
Yangon International School Myanmar 7/10 evaluation 9 
Yangon is a hard city to live in with its long, dreary rainy season and extensive poverty…
Chapel School Brazil 7/9 evaluation 2
Some teachers said the 1st year at Chapel feels like their first year teaching – you can’t control these kids…
Abraham Lincoln School Dominican Republic 7/9 First time reviewed on ISR
m8bet mobile loginEmirates National School, Al Ain UAE 7/9 evaluation 14 
The school could really be a good place to work IF they would deal with discipline issues…
Nansha College Preparatory Academy China 7/9 evaluation 6
Diocesan Boys School Hong Kong 7/8 evaluation 3
All expat teachers live on campus which is located in Mongkok, the most polluted part of the city…
Garden International School Malaysia 7/8 evaluation 5 
Enjoyed my 2-years. I’ve been treated fairly & equitably, but have colleagues who don’t feel they have…
American School Torreon Mexico 7/8 evaluation 18
Highest standards (and cost) and offers students impressive opportunities for lifelong success…
BO AI International High School Programme Xi’an 7/8 evaluation 2
It seems then, that I, and most of the other staff, don’t understand what a school really needs…
UCSI International School Malaysia 7/7 evaluation 6 
When I accepted the contract with UCSI I did so with an optimistic presumption…
Yuxin International Curriculum Centre Beijing 7/7 First time reviewed on ISR
Matrix International School Malaysia 7/7 evaluation 2
We have been lied to multiple times about our visa status, tax status, housing, and payment for flights…
Binus International School Indonesia 7/7 evaluation 3
I probably would have stayed longer if it wasn’t for..
Kaohsiung Dominican School Taiwan 7/6 evaluation 2 
She asked to revise my contract. I declined & was terminated before they had to pay my end- of- year bonus….
Beijing International Bilingual Academy China 7/6 evaluation 10 
You are a commodity in an organization that exists to procure revenue…
Vietnam Australia International School Vietnam 7/6 evaluation 8
Two directors who tried to make changes were fired. The second I was glad to see go, he was the most…
American School Torreon Mexico 7/6 evaluation 17
Overall, I thought the staff, students,& atmosphere were welcoming & encouraging. I had a great experience…
Irene Epp 7/3 (report 4)
American School of Kinshasa D.R. Congo
Gregg Maloberti 7/3 (report 3)
Canadian International School of Hong Kong
Steve Hupp 7/3 (report 4)
Colegio Maya de Guatemala
Julia Bentgens 7/3 (report 3)
Metropolitan International School
Raffles International School UAE 7/3 evaluation 3
He fired head of Humanities & Languages, head of Arabic & Maths, head of Science head of English…
Canadian International School Hong Kong 7/3 evaluation 10
m8bet online sports bettingOn the last day of school 11 staff were fired, some while their students were still saying their good byes…
American School Durango Mexico 7/3 evaluation 10
You have no chance of issuing discipline as school takes parents side…
Hal Cooke 7/2 First time reviewed on ISR
Yanbu International School Saudi Arabia
Nakornpayap International School Thailand 7/2 evaluation 6 
Successful study, despite WASC’s strongly worded advice to the administration about correcting…
United Private Schools Oman 7/2 evaluation 9
Lack of systems, policies etc. no clear direction, constant changes to the way things are done…
Larry Leaven 7/1 First time reviewed on ISR
Beijing International Bilingual Academy China
Bromsgrove International School Thailand 7/1 evaluation 31 
The school tends to be in a constant flux. Thai owners have an attitude of if something is wrong…
International School Myanmar 7/1 evaluation 24
A day-to day-death by a thousand paper cuts. Or, actually, lack of paper would be more like it…
Beijing International Bilingual Academy China 7/1 evaluation 9 
In all sincerity the rules are arbitrary and constantly in flux depending on the whim of the H.R. director…